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Boundless Heart Yoga 12.04.2021

Catch me sitting in the sunshine crying and listening to Resound Perennial while I contemplate how I can best be of service to the Earth and those that I love. ...How I can both simultaneously uplift myself and others it doesn’t have to be one or the other. Pondering on where and how my gifts can best be used to alleviate the collective suffering. So much acceptance, so much letting go, so much awareness of misconceptions and contradictions. Healing, healing yes I am healing. I am understanding what that really means. What kindness and humility really look like. The very fact of our existence is unshakable proof of benevolent forces at work in this world. I’m learning that you can’t fight what is or rather that you can, but you’ll never win. Resistance is pain, fear, selfishness, jealousy. Acceptance is tolerance, awareness, love, bliss, surrender. You can’t possibly overcome the totality of the cosmos with your own personal desires no matter how much will you may have, but you can learn to move with it, dance with it, surf it’s natural rhythm that ebbs and flows like the tides of the ocean under a full moon. You can become flexible, resilient, resourceful, like a shapeshifter who almost seems to be able to exist in two places at once and in that way we can become like a bridge. We can bridge the gaps in understanding between one another, between realms of existence, between Earth and Technology, between the rich and the poor, between the obese and the hungry. And you know maybe... just maybe we can cling to the freedom of our wings. Maybe we can fly high enough to create a reality where we can co exist in harmony, where people won’t be wrongfully imprisoned and have their freedom ripped away for senseless reasons.. A reality based on love, community, connection, clarity, simplicity, sustainability, abundance. A reality where we see all life as an essential part of the whole circle and we honor and respect it with our thoughts, words and actions. Where we work together to empower one another to reach and exceed our potential. A reality where women support other women and where men use their divine masculinity to uplift the goddess and to allow balance to return to the Earth. A place where we are free to reconnect to our ancestors and to the traditions that we’re purposely hidden, stolen and twisted by monotheistic bigots who wanted to please their lord king or what have you by showering him in gold and laying claim to land and human beings that did not belong to them or anyone else. We are the keepers of the land, protectors of the soil, healers, medicine makers, we are made to work with nature not to conquer it. We are made to create art, music, dance, magick, medicine, movement, chaos, order, balance, pleasure, pain, ecstasy. Remember who you are. Learning is remembering. Unlearning is letting go of the fear based programming designed to turn us all into producers and consumers and to suck the living soul out of us one mundane act of pointless effort at a time. There is a better way and it will reach a point when it becomes the only way. Now is the time to return to the Mother. Now is the time to listen to the wisdom is the Earth. The simplicity of nature that never rushes yet accomplishes everything on time. The consistency of the water rushing over the rocks for thousands of years carving out the canyons as she moves. Men are afraid. Racists are trembling... Making their last efforts of glory as shakti comes to burn it away. To cleanse the planet of these outdated dogmas that are no longer serving us and if allowed to continue will be our ultimate demise. Humanity will self destruct if change does not happen, but I have faith because change is already here. It’s in every post defending people of color. It’s in the hands of those Demanding justice for their deaths and true equal rights when it comes to our political, social, economic, judicial and educational systems. I see you Earth warriors, social justice warriors, hummingbird people, medicine men and women, and everyone acting from a place of kindness in their daily life and it’s time we really join together to uplift the current state of humanity to a point beyond self destruction. It’s time we truly allow eachother to thrive again. Or perhaps even to thrive in a way never seen before in history. I believe in infinite possibilities. Let’s tap into the ones we want to create and learn to flow with that existence so much so that we merge with it and it becomes our new reality. Shout out to Erothyme

Boundless Heart Yoga 11.12.2020

What is the fear of the dark? It’s something some people never grow out of. We all remember being little kids and imagining the things lurking in the corner of the room at night were all sorts of ghouls, goblins or nightmarish creatures just waiting on us to close our eyes so they can make their move. I’m sure we’ve all had times where we just couldn’t take the fear and had to get up and shine a light only to reveal that what our mind told us was a scary monster was actually...Continue reading

Boundless Heart Yoga 17.11.2020

What is the fear of the dark? It’s something some people never grow out of. We all remember being little kids and imagining the things lurking in the corner of the room at night were all sorts of ghouls, goblins or nightmarish creatures just waiting on us to close our eyes so they can make their move. I’m sure we’ve all had times where we just couldn’t take the fear and had to get up and shine a light only to reveal that what our mind told us was a scary monster was actually...Continue reading

Boundless Heart Yoga 30.10.2020

Hey friends! I know people are mostly staying to themselves right now. My bodywork training got cancelled for the next two weeks so I’m going to offer my normal Sunday 6pm Yoga class for anyone who wants to come out. I’ll definitely make sure the Yoga room is sanitized and I’ll be diffusing essential oils to help keep the air as clean as possible. Gonna really spend lots of time looking inward in this class, lots of breathing, child’s pose and restorative yoga postures to hel...p put everyone in that liminal space where healing can occur. I may also video this class live on Facebook so that people who don’t want to attend in person can attend online. Perhaps I’ll be able to reach more people in the community that way as well. I view all of this happening as a message from the Earth to tell us all to slowwwww down were so fast paced in our modern culture that it’s suffocating our planet. Since the exports from China have been cancelled Carbon emissions have shown a massive decrease. This could actually help restore the quality of the air that we share with all of the other beings on this planet. I know there’s tons of fear being pumped through the media and I do understand that many of the concerns are valid and we should absolutely be taking precautions to protect ourselves and others, but I also believe in being resilient in finding creative ways of coming together in a safe way. I have so much love for this community and all of the healers, artists, medicine makers, music makers, thought leaders, earth guardians, bee protectors, and everything in between. I think each of you are beautiful in your own way. Thank you for being you! Ps: I’m really excited to begin offering Thai bodywork to our community soon. This training has already been profound and I’m learning so much. It’s going to allow me to be able to offer a bit more hands on assistance in class and help people find the right asana for their bodies needs. It’s teaching me to be able to offer healing touch from a place of gentleness and ease and to help the body to find more openness, flexibility, and mobility while also bringing the mind to a calm and relaxed state.

Boundless Heart Yoga 28.10.2020

Burrr it’s a cold one today Come warm up with some Yoga and breathwork this morning at 10am and tomorrow at 6pm! TerraMar Wellness Center Let’s tap into some inner fire and cultivate warmth from within See you soon!

Boundless Heart Yoga 13.10.2020

My Monday evening consists of Sensory deprivation tank, Yoga, and then a sweat lodge with close friends. Wowza what a blessing life has been lately. I am gratef...ul for the shifts I’m feeling and the deeper levels of awareness that are coming forth allowing me to move past old pattens and integrate new healthier ones that are in deeper resonance with who I am now. Working on radical self honesty and leaning into the contradictions within myself and looking to view them with compassion and from a space of non judgement. Looking to allow myself to be truly seen and have healing conversations about things that aren’t always easy to talk about because they can make us feel vulnerable. I wonder if any of us really live in unmasked awareness? I think it starts by realizing that what’s behind it is actually your deeper potential for self love, wholeness, acceptance and by allowing yourself to be seen you open others to the opportunity to show you love and acceptance as well. I think this is why one of the first steps at cultivating genuine relationships in our lives is how genuine we can actually be with ourselves and be able to look at the areas where we have resistance or disharmony and lean into those areas with a gentle touch allowing them to slowly open over time as they need to, it doesn’t always have to be a super bloom and the more we can let go of the destination or the outcome the more we can enjoy each step of the journey to the mountain top. It’s important to be consistently working to move towards growth, but also taking the time to slow down and listen to the inner voice so that we can become clear about which of our desires come from a place of fear and lack and which of our desires are true messages from the heart. It seems to me that a balanced life isn’t about totally relinquishing all desire or demonizing any aspect of the human experience, but rather learning to view them as signs that lead us to the truest expression of our being and cultivating the ability to discern which of those feelings/ desires/ intuitions are based on love and abundance and shifting our lives or our perspectives in a way that allows more space for those things to flourish and become integrated in a graceful way. See more

Boundless Heart Yoga 26.09.2020

I have some news everyone! For the next three weekends I’ll be doing a Thai bodywork certification training in Austelle. I’m really excited about this opportunity as massage and bodywork are things I’ve wanted to learn and incorporate into my practices for a long time. It’s another step on my journey of having more healing modalities to offer and refining my gifts so that I can share them more abundantly with our community and ultimately everywhere that life takes me. This d...oes however mean that I won’t be able to teach my normal SAT: 10am or my SUN: 6pm. I’ll keep you all posted about when I’ll be back, but I believe I’ll be able to teach again the first weekend in April. I really appreciate everyone who has been showing up and supporting these classes. You all mean the world to me and I’m going to continue to learn and grow and come back with more skill and a deeper understanding of my own nature. I have some really special workshops and other things in mind for the near future! I’m going to use this time to cultivate and refine those things in a good way as well. Stay on the lookout for those types of announcements. I’ll try to be loud about it so maybe the algorithm will reach at least some of you hehe Lots of love to all of you TerraMar Wellness Center

Boundless Heart Yoga 16.09.2020

Burrr it’s a cold one today Come warm up with some Yoga and breathwork this morning at 10am and tomorrow at 6pm! TerraMar Wellness Center Let’s tap into some inner fire and cultivate warmth from within See you soon!

Boundless Heart Yoga 30.08.2020

If love bombs were physical bombs they would contain seeds to regrow forests and food and clean water for people in need. If love bombs were physical bombs they would contain seeds to regrow forests and food and clean water for people in need.

Boundless Heart Yoga 10.08.2020

We had a woman from our community that is going through chemotherapy show up for Yoga this morning and I am blown away by her resiliency. It’s truly an inspiration to see people overcoming obstacles with a smile on their face. She was by no means allowing herself to be a victim or feel defeated in any way. I am amazed by what the human spirit can overcome and in awe of the courage I saw emanating from her today. Deeply thankful to everyone out there showing support for these classes. I learn so much from each of you and it’s truly an honor to transmit these teachings. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be seen and to share my gifts more abundantly. Together we can do anything

Boundless Heart Yoga 27.07.2020

The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.The fool who persists in his folly will become wise.

Boundless Heart Yoga 21.07.2020

If there is to be peace in the world, There must be peace in the nations. If there is to be peace in the nations, There must be peace in the cities.... If there is to be peace in the cities, There must be peace between neighbors. If there is to be peace between neighbors, There must be peace in the home. If there is to be peace in the home, There must be peace in the heart. -Lao Tzu

Boundless Heart Yoga 04.07.2020

Don’t forget to come out to TerraMar Wellness Center for Yoga tonight 6pm-7:30pm! I’m feeling super inspired and full of gratitude for this community and all of the healers and seekers that are coming together to elevate and cultivate each of our gifts so they can be shared more abundantly. We are all learning and growing so much and I’m blessed to be a part of it. Thank you to everyone who came out to the TerraMar wellness festival yesterday! ‘Twas a joy meeting you all. I... got to guide several people through their first ever experience with Yoga and that’s literally a dream come true for me. Tonight’s Yoga class will be during the Leo full moon so let’s come together and set some powerful intentions for what we want to create moving forward. It will also be a great opportunity to invite in clarity and harmony in our relationships and interactions with others. We’re going to do a heart opening sequence as Leo energy represents living courageously from our hearts as well as a bit of light core work and pranayama to ignite some inner fire energy in our solar plexus (the energetic center of self confidence located above the navel). It’s no secret that all life on Earth is intimately connected to the moon. One of the most obvious examples of this is the tides of the ocean and how dramatically the moon causes the ocean currents to shift. If something as vast as the ocean is effected so largely by the moon phases then it only makes sense that we too will experience shifts. Especially when you consider the fact that the human body is made up of approximately 60% water. We can sometimes feel overwhelmed by these shifts in consciousness as new energies emerge and old patterns are brought up as an opportunity to let them go or get a better understanding of them. By bringing conscious awareness to these shifts we are able to integrate them in a way that is harmonious with our lives and we can have a clearer understanding of how to move forward in a good way. When we combine confidence, courage and humility with an open heart we are able to live in a way that benefits our well being and contribute to the happiness of everyone around us. We are a collective consciousness and when raise our own vibration to a frequency resonate with loving kindness we inevitably elevate those around us and cause things that aren’t in resonance to either shift or move on. This can be compared to when someone who feels cold gets under a warm blanket. After a few moments the colder person has shifted and now feels just as warm as the one whose been under the blanket for awhile. Let’s be lions and lionesses able to give without expectation, to love without needing reciprocation, to confidently and unapologetically radiate the most unique and true versions of ourselves. Aho Mitakuye Oyasin (All my relations)

Boundless Heart Yoga 30.06.2020

Leo Upgrading Divine abundance, opening the heart, tapping into the inner leader, applying knowledge and abilities, healing wounds, relationship clarity. ... I have a Leo Sun Pisces Moon And Scorpio Rising

Boundless Heart Yoga 17.06.2020

Find the people, places and things that feed your soul and allow them to fill you up so much that it overflows and spills out onto everything that you touch.Find the people, places and things that feed your soul and allow them to fill you up so much that it overflows and spills out onto everything that you touch.