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Address: 310 Hill Top Overlook 30114 Canton, GA, US

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Divinely Aligned Holistic Healing 12.01.2021

January 8, 2021 Mercury in Aquarius. Nothing excites Mercury in Aquarius more than a stimulating conversation about a visionary project, be it scientific, tec...hnological, or spiritual in nature. And if there are multiple individuals involved in the conversation with innovative ideas bouncing off the walls even better! Aquarius is the point in the Zodiac Wheel where the collective is formed. Mercury is the mind communication, thoughts, concepts, memories, and the expression of ideas. The minds of Mercury in Aquarius natives are one step into the future, which can make conversing with ordinary Earthlings somewhat challenging. These individuals are not interested in the mundane, but visions of the future are absolutely sublime! In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Mercury is allied with the original visionary: Thoth, creator of language, writing, and time. Aquarius is aligned with Ptah, creator of Heaven and Earth. Ptah creates the world through the words that he speaks; his tongue is connected to his heart. Everything we envision, think, or speak needs to be created with love. Aquarius is known for emotional detachment. This is useful when traversing the visionary realms but can be hurtful when directed at ordinary humans. During this journey of Thoth through the emanation of Ptah, Mercury will turn retrograde in Aquarius, spending over two months in this air sign. New and creative ideas will flow fast and free. It will be important to remember that words can cut as deeply as a knife. Pass everything you think and say through your heart so all your creations come from a place of love. Mercury/Thoth will remain in the emanation of Aquarius/Ptah from January 8 until March 15. Mercury will be retrograde from January 30 until February 20. January 8, 2021 by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings. www.shamanicstarology.com. Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf. Art: Gratitude for the Earth and Sky by Cameron Gray. #astrology #shamanism #shamanicstarology #shamanicegyptianastrology #MercuryinAquarius #Thoth #Ptah

Divinely Aligned Holistic Healing 04.01.2021

When reality hits you... . . . .... . #reality #inspiration #nature #naturelover #nature_perfection See more

Divinely Aligned Holistic Healing 26.12.2020

#astrology We all witnessed some huge events in Washington DC last night, shocking for many. The astrology is very clear that this month is one of the most inte...nse in terms of extremism, eruptions, and truth coming to light. In fact freedom and truth are two very big themes this year with Jupiter and Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus squaring Saturn all year too. With truth and disclosure many will awaken. Uranus is the planet of awakening to take us to a higher perspective and higher state of being. Yesterday late afternoon Washington DC time we had a T-square with the Moon (people) being square to Pluto in Capricorn (leadership, government, control) and opposing Eris in Aries (protests, people who need to be heard, also the female awakener). Mars is already conjunct Uranus, exact on the 20th. There are many more shocks and surprises to come this month, and indeed this year, as truths come to light. However also remember that Neptune is square to the Nodal Axis exact this month. This can have a strong theme of 'what is true and what is not?', and stripping away the illusions of what you believed. It can feel disorientating and confusing with the fast drama of the events. At a higher level, this calls us back to Source as a steady, still, permanent divinity in our lives. This also suggests strongly that there are layers of truth here, things are not as they seem. So whatever you thought about yesterday's events may not actually be the case, and there is much much more happening behind the scenes that the majority of the population are not aware of. These things will become more apparent in the coming days and weeks. So don't jump to judgement, and if you attach too much to external dramas it can feel extremely chaotic. So just come back to your centre, your heart and your breath as constants in your life. They are your anchor. Make your internal state of being your focus, not external events. Fine to observe, as long as you are on your Eagle's perch and not being dragged into them with negative emotions, as that's when we start to give away our power. Remember that the bigger context that I have talked about endlessly over the last year is Pluto in Capricorn, the deconstruction of the old order. That's what we are seeing, and it will start to happen in other countries too. If I can see it so clearly in the astrology, then it is meant to happen, however destructive it seems, to get us to a better place. This is our current process. We are in a huge evolution of consciousness for humanity. Many countries are extremely polarised right now, the US especially. Polarisation is very visible on social media and has appeared on my page here, not directed at me but at others. There are those in this world as you will be aware that do not have out best interests at heart, and we are doing their work for them in this polarisation. This cannot get us to unity consciousness, and the longer there is infighting, the longer it will take us to pull in a better world. So those comments will be deleted, and their authors blocked. This is not helpful energy in any way. In these times that are very tough for so many with lockdowns, extreme financial hardship and mental stress, our overriding instinct has to be kindness. With everything that comes in as a challenge to your world, step back and ask: 'WHAT WOULD LOVE DO?' before you respond. So yes in 2021 we have a wild ride ahead of us, often chaotic and unpredictable. But as more of us wake up, and we will, the momentum will shift even faster towards the New Earth. Some people are already there as this is not a change in place, it's a change in frequency which we can access at any moment. The way to do that is through kindness, compassion, joy and unconditional love. So live in your heart, and beam out peace to the world, especially when events are so heated. The more we can feel love, joy and peace in our hearts the more we develop 'heart coherence' which is measurable, and expands our electro-magnetic field. In this way we are more able to 'infect' others with those feelings of love, joy and peace too. We become spiritual warriors. Feel that incredible photonic bright white light coming into us all right now as we pass through the Photon Belt, and as it comes into your cells remember to beam it back out to the world, become a 'Renegade of Light' in the darkness. That will serve you well, and remember we are all in this together. Go beyond the noise of division, and know how at a higher level we are all united in our humanity. Much love to you all.

Divinely Aligned Holistic Healing 07.12.2020

Dear Friends...January will continue to be a turbulent month that will offer many surprises. 2021 will be much the same. 2021 is a Bridge year...from the Old En...ergy to the beginning of the next super cycle of 2 000 years called the Age of Aquarius. As we put our foot on the bridge to move forward, we are still surrounded by the effects and echoes of the old. So January will offer us an opportunity to complete old issues and do a final release. By mid year we will be half way across the bridge, and by the Lions Gate in August we will be approaching the other side and we will begin to discern the shapes of our new lives. So, for now we need to be patient and allow the old to fall apart and disintegrate. This is not easy. It demands of us that we draw on all that we have learnt and mastered in recent years regarding our shadow, projection and staying in the Sacred Heart of the Unified Field. When we understand that there is no "us" and "them" and that what triggers us is simply an aspect of our own (collective) and shadowy energy. Then we can move into the Heart and begin to see with Love and Compassion and a feeling of the "Oneness" at the Heart of All Things. This will become easier in the course of the year as the Aquarian energy becomes more tangible and we begin to see what our path will be. Remember, that at this time there are several timelines/dimensions running at the same time in the same space. We are. choosing where to go and what to manifest and we need to have a very clear idea of what resonates with our Heart and Soul, and to follow that. Stay calm, dearest friends, stay in your Heart space and keep focussed on what you are creating. You are Loved and you are Supported by the Angelic Realms and by Archangel Michael, as well as the Galactic Families. The "Bigger Picture" promises a Golden Age of Peace once the old is gone and the New arises. Love and Peace to All...especially my friends in the USA at this time. <3 <3 <3

Divinely Aligned Holistic Healing 01.12.2020

Wow... read below. Larry Sanger, the founder of Wikipedia, announces he is quitting all the major social media platforms because of the recent YouTube announc...ement that they will censor and delete any video that talks about the 2020 US election fraud. For too long, we have made what has amounted to a Faustian bargain. If you post your comments, your pictures, your videos, your essays, your reviewsyour contenton Big Tech’s enormous centralized platforms, then Big Tech will give you free hosting, an audience if you compete well, and some content development tools. It seemed fair. At least, that is how they encourage you to think about this bargain. But we have now awakenedonly half-awakened, most of usto the real costs of the arrangement. They are higher than we thought. We donate much more than temporary use of our content. Since content hosting has grown more complex and your audience is built into their product, and especially since it is difficult if not impossible to move most of our content and audience to other platforms easily, we have also effectively donated control, if not ownership, over our content and our audience. But we also donate ourselves. We our valuable attention. We donate our freedom and autonomy, when the corporations decide what we may or may not upload or view, and whether others may or may not view our contributions. We donate our good name, our public support, for the very medium we use. We rent out our very minds when we open ourselves to manipulation by the controllers of these platforms. By our participation, we endorse this treatment as legitimate, no matter what indefensible things it does. There is also another thing we receiveanother important part of the Faustian bargainthat is worth dwelling on. We receive a shot at popularity. We get a chance at an audience, at friends and followers, who like what we produce, who amplify our voices. So we say, Who doesn’t want friends and followers liking and amplifying us? And so we are hooked. Is this exchange really worth it? Really? We have been assuming that it is. I say it is objectively speaking a terrible arrangement that benefits them and mostly harms us, or most of us. Why do we agree to it, in that case? Because they have control over our social lives. We will be lost without the audience, the attention! And because the thread of that loss is so terrifying that most people will increasingly obnoxious treatment we must put up with as the price you pay. It seems like a good example of the Stockholm syndrome. I think the exchange is not worth it. I will not speak for you. But I can say confidently that it is not true of me. Since, last year, I declared that what I really wanted was decentralized social media, I have felt rather dirty as I used Twitter and YouTube. I admit itI made excuses myself. This is the only way I can get my voice out there effectively, I told myself. Of course, I knew it was not true. I could write for publication. I could use my blog. I’d be abandoning my peeps! But nah. Nobody needs me there very much, and if they love me that much they can always come to the blog. I would be giving up the fight (on Twitter) for freedom and justice! I’m not Superman, and if my voice is really needed, I can probably fight more effectively on my blog and for publication. All of those things strike me as being excuses because I liked the attention. The real bargain, and what makes the bargain demonic (so to speak), is that it involves receiving the attention of others, which merely feeds our ego, in exchange for something much more valuable: control over us by people we despise. When you get down to it, most of us are slaves to their system in exchange for the main thing we are after: evanescent, ultimately unimportant narcissistic pleasure. Is that what you really want and need? It took this latest outrage by YouTube, threatening to delete any video that talks about the 2020 election fraud, to make me rethink my attitude toward contributing in any way to the Silicon Valley monsters. So I am going to stop using my Twitter and YouTube accounts. I am not entirely sure what I will do with them. As to Twitter, I might keep it operational but just use it as a way to promote this blog and nothing more. I might completely shut down my YouTube channel. I am fairly sure I will be moving all my YouTube videos to my Bitchute channel (the move has already started), but whether it will be their final destination, I am not sure. I really want to support fully decentralized networks, so that I can have total control, right here in my own web space, of everything I want to put out there. Wouldn’t that be nice? Is it really too much to ask? In any event, I am highly motivated right now to leave the Big Tech monsters behind. I am exiting their Faustian bargain. I am 100% committed to owning and controlling my own content and audience in the future. I have talked a lot about this, but it is finally time to make the last, necessary, hard changes to make it real. - Larry Sanger https://larrysanger.org//the-era-of-centralized-social-me/

Divinely Aligned Holistic Healing 14.11.2020

"ZOE_MOON_DAILY_DEC_10: So, today the door is open between Venus and Pluto, this opens up opportunity for powerful, transformational scenarios playing out betwe...en love, income or beauty interests and shared or third-party situations, other financial needs, sexual interests, a death, birth, divorce, or purging of things. Look at goals here or the authority figures or career objectives in the mix. At the same time this is going on the Libra Moon is squaring all of this so you may feel emotionally pushed or challenged as you go through this open door regarding partners, clients, specialists, opponents, representatives, or others. This could be because of these financial, sexual, death, birth, divorce, or third-party matters or it could involve what you are feeling about legal, political, media, educational, travel, foreign, religious, or ceremonial needs and any limits, endings, commitments, responsibilities, or ambitions. I think I'm feeling the intensity of the day already as little pup decided 4am was the perfect time to get up today and has been going 90 miles per hour since, arg. Overlapping all of this the Sun and Mars are connected and working together so there is action, passion, warrior energy, or motivation of a personal or physical nature and it is about what we are showing up for regarding that travel, foreign, legal, ceremonial, religious, political, educational, or media topic. We are vested in this one and the flow is in play. On a side note, I know I've had to do this more than a few times this year but please, everything changes next week, make sure you are at least minimally prepared with supplies in case it is necessary and that you are being extra cautious out there. Today we enter the Trigger Field for Monday's New Moon Solar Eclipse which is 3 times more powerful for eclipsing out what blocks forward momentum and giving us that boost into what comes next with topics of travel, foreign, legal, political, media, educational, religious, or ceremonial matters. This means we may start to get inklings or experiences regarding these topics and this powerful boost forward starting today. On the other side of the Trigger Field during the rest of next week both Saturn and Jupiter exit the sign of leadership, authority, status, goals, and career objectives and enter Aquarius, sign of the people, groups, gatherings, causes, friendships, rebellions, revolutions, the internet, astrology, charities, radicalism, inventions, originality, extremism, socialism/communism, freedom, and ideals. These are the topics of the Aquarian Age and this is a kick off of the Aquarian Age, something we've been working towards since the late 1960's and something that we've seen growing stronger in these areas every decade since then. Perhaps this will just be a wonderful, deep, transformational shift, but I'm afraid the growing pangs may be felt in some extreme ways, so again, I love you guys, prep up as much as you can, it's going to be a week for the books and the rumblings are going to start to be felt today onward. ~Zoe Moon" TUNE IN TONIGHT for The Zoe Moon Astrology Show and a look at these powerful new trends coming in our week ahead: https://blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon ON AIR 8pm Est/5pm Pst #astrology #horoscope #horoscopes #dailyhoroscope #dailyhoroscopes #zoemoon #zoemoonastrology #lunareclipse #fullmoon #fullmoonlunareclipse #weeklyhoroscope #weeklyhoroscopes #monthlyhoroscope #astrologyshow #zoemoonastrologyshow #blogtalkradio #healthyliferadio #prayforjohn #prayforcharlie #love @zoemoon @zoemoonastrology