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Full Gospel Chapel 05.06.2021

Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path. Psalms 119:105 A lamp back in David’s time was not the kind we have today with the high beams or LED’s that you can see a mile away. When it got dark you could only see right where you were or just a little bit in front of you and you just had to trust that you could see by its light. There’s times that we have either gone through or will go through that are the same way, it will be dark and you aren’t able to see ...anything up ahead. But that’s where the trusting God and His word comes in, one step at a time. Stop and think if your path was lit up and you could see what was going on or going to happen you could get distracted and maybe even give up. Take it a step at a time trusting and believing God to show you what you really need to see and to keep you from getting distracted. Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 01.06.2021

Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine Heir of salvation, purchase of God Born of His spirit, washed in His blood... This is my story, this is my song Praising my Savior all the day long This is my story, this is my song Praising my Savior all the day long, Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 29.05.2021

He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: John 1:11-12 NKJV I was thinking about this verse and had a thought came to me The ones that had a problem and knew it were the ones that accepted Jesus. I’m not trying to twist this verse or take it out of context. Go back and read the gospels, there were only a few of the religious folks in Jesus d...ay that accepted him. Nicodemus, Jairus I’m sure there were others but these are the only two really mentioned. But the ones that had problems and knew they did got their breakthroughs, Zaccheus, the woman caught in adultery, the woman at the well, the demoniac, it’s the ones that have the issues, realize they have the issues, and believed Jesus could change their issues got their breakthroughs. Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 12.05.2021

I will praise You, O LORD, with my whole heart; I will tell of all Your marvelous works. Psalms 9:1 Well today is part two of the questions that came to me as I read this verse. How many of His marvelous works do I talk about?... I’ll be honest I could do better. I catch myself at times talking about my situations and circumstances but you know what I AM BLESSED and God continually blesses. We use to sing a song at church God is good all the time and it’s the truth, my situation my not be the best right now but God is good, my circumstances could be better but God is good, I’m having this problem or that one but God is good. And guess what I belong to Him so Glory to God I’m going to be ok, I’m not going to just get by or make it He’s bringing me through it and out of it. We have so much to tell, I have a God that with all my cracks, imperfections, and mistakes He still loves me, ain’t that a marvelous work? Now go tell your world how MARVELOUS He is!!! Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 25.04.2021

When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, The moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; What is man, that thou art mindful of him? And the son of man, that thou visitest him? Psalm 8:3-4 Do we really consider and understand just how AWESOME God is? I mean the creator of everything the sun, moon, stars, other planets, yet in everything He’s created you and I are His most important and the creations He cares about the most. Take a minute today and just th...ink about and Thank Him for who He is!!! Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 22.02.2021

With perfect peace you will protect those whose minds cannot be changed, because they trust you. Isaiah 26:3 Distractions, do any of you have them? Do you try to do something or go somewhere to just try to unwind and when you get there or start doing whatever it is you are trying to do BOOM, here comes the distractions and you either can’t keep your mind on whatever you were doing or enjoy where you are because of them? I think we all have been there at one time or ano...ther. But have you ever thought about this is my head, my brain, and my mind? If I get distracted or get my mind off on other things it’s my fault. In the KJV version of this verse the word stayed is used and the definition of stayed is lean, lay, lie, rest, set, or stand, it is also a verb which means an action. So what I’m trying to say is it’s our mind and whatever we allow into it or whatever we let it think on is is our choice. Set it on God lean, lay, lie, and stand upon Him and give you the peace you need. Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 10.02.2021

Nor give place to the devil. Ephesians 4:27 Had a thought this morning when I woke up, The devil can only have what I give him. The above verse is part of another that tells us to be angry but sin not. But as I read this verse that’s where the word give jumped out a me. God has given me salvation, grace, peace, mercy, joy, hope, strength, love, and an abundance of other things and know one can take them away they are mine and mine alone, but if something,someone, or th...e enemy comes along and I give it to them that’s a different story. The things God has truly given us cannot be taken from us but if we aren’t careful we can let a situation or circumstance cause us to give away our peace, joy, happiness, love, etc. Now I’m not saying we aren’t to love, be peaceful, or joyful what I’m saying is the enemy will try every way to get you upset, offset, and upended and before you know it you are worrying about something, upset about something or angry about something and it causes you to give the things I mentioned that God gave you to the enemy. The enemy doesn’t take them we give them to him, give no place or anything else to the devil. Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 01.02.2021

For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And th...e King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:35-40 I was reading this verse this morning and thought about how it sounds like the majority of the folks that Jesus is talking about here aren’t church folk. As I read this the thought came to me, Do we realize that everyone we come in contact with is one of God’s creations? You know that young lady that’s everyone knows is the prostitute, or you know that man that he had everything you could ask for and got hooked on drugs and lost it all. Or how about the one that every time you see them coming they are needing money for this or that. They are God’s creation as well, God didn’t call me to judge the need He called me to help meet it. Just my thoughts. Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 25.01.2021

The entirety of Your word is truth, And every one of Your righteous judgments endures forever. Psalms 119:160 We need to understand and realize that God’s Word and what it says about us or our situation is and should be the first and final authority in our lives. It doesn’t matter how you feel, how you think it should be, or what others think or say it’s Gods Word that counts, quit listening to others, quit listening to the enemy, but primarily quit listening to your r...easons and excuses God’s word reigns forever. Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 22.01.2021

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 Sis. Bertha used to hit me up with this verse every time I went to her with a problem or situation and would say Well sir now Greg you know the word says. It used to aggravate me because I wanted her to pat me on the back and feel sorry and say bless your little heart. But she didn’t she lived the word, spoke the word, but mor...e importantly believed the word. As I have gotten older I realize what she meant and the truth behind this verse, everything that happens to me isn’t for my destruction or fall and that God can take the good and the bad together and bring me out on top. It’s kind of like making a cake you have flour, raw eggs, and other ingredients that by themselves are terrible but once they are put together and handled the right way you get that delicious chocolate cake. So quit sweating it, let God mix all the ingredients of your life together and have that delicious result!! Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 11.11.2020

And he answered, Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. 2 Kings 6:16 Don’t you give up or give in don’t go by what it looks or feels like you just hold on to your faith and keep trusting Him!!!... Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 05.11.2020

The LORD said, I will let all my goodness pass in front of you, and there I will call out my name ‘the LORD.’ I will be kind to anyone I want to. I will be merciful to anyone I want to. Exodus 33:19 I pray the goodness of God pass before you today and that He be kind and merciful to you and upon your life.... Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 23.10.2020

No verse today just had this song come to mind pray it Blesses It's easy to sing When there's nothing to bring me down But what will I say... When I'm held to the flame Like I am right now I know You're able and I know You can Save through the fire with Your mighty hand But even if You don't My hope is You alone Don’t lose hope!! Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 09.10.2020

Today is a day of choice, a day of decisions, a day to make a difference. I bet you all thought I was referring to the election and all of those things are true. But what I’m referring to more is the choices, decisions, and differences you make for the Kingdom of God today can have eternal circumstances for you as well as someone else. Make a choice today to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit make the decision to do the right thing regardless of the circumstances and make a difference in and for the kingdom today for the honor and glory of God. God Bless You

Full Gospel Chapel 27.09.2020

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8 Time changes, the weather changes, our lives can change. But I Thank you Jesus that you are the one constant in my life.... Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 13.09.2020

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. II Corinthians 3:17 This word liberty here means freedom and the Spirit of the Lord is in you and I so do you realize this verse is saying Wherever we are we have Freedom, whether you are in a good place or a bad one right now the Holy Spirit is in and with you every step of the way. Hope this ministers to someone!! Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 07.09.2020

Such a Sweet Spirit as the Father ministered this morning!!!Such a Sweet Spirit as the Father ministered this morning!!!

Full Gospel Chapel 19.08.2020

Had the privilege and honor of welcoming a new family as members this morning!!

Full Gospel Chapel 09.08.2020

It’s not July 4th but join us this morning Facebook Live or in person for our message Let Freedom Ring!!It’s not July 4th but join us this morning Facebook Live or in person for our message Let Freedom Ring!!

Full Gospel Chapel 28.07.2020

Almighty LORD, you made heaven and earth by your great strength and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you. Jeremiah 32:17 You have worried, cried, wondered and tried to figure it out with still no answers, why don’t you let God have a go at it? Do you know what nothing means? Well this is Greg’s definition not one thing, there is not one thing God can’t handle or take care of if we will give it to and trust Him with it. So what are you going to do?... Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 10.07.2020

My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand. John 10:29 Guess what? You are them if you have made Jesus your Lord and Saviour that’s you Jesus is talking that’s in His Father’s hand. Things may be tough right now you may be going through something that you feel is going to completely take you out but don’t give up you are in the Father’s hand and whatever is coming against you will not succeed.... Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 03.07.2020

Tonight 7pm In Person or Facebook Live We Continue Our Study Thy Kingdom ComeTonight 7pm In Person or Facebook Live We Continue Our Study Thy Kingdom Come

Full Gospel Chapel 28.06.2020

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Ephesians 6:10 Quit trying to do it yourself. Stop trying to carry your load and everyone else’s you are just not that strong. You are tired and worn out from trying to do it your way and through your power and all its done is tired you out and made you feel helpless. BE STRONG IN THE LORD & HIS POWER!!... Blessings

Full Gospel Chapel 17.06.2020

I’ve carried you since your birth. I’ve taken care of you from the time you were born.Even when you’re old, I’ll take care of you. Even when your hair turns gray, I’ll support you. I made you and will continue to care for you. I’ll support you and save you. Isaiah 46:3-4 God’s Word Translation