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Locality: Tallapoosa, Georgia

Address: The Union on Odessa, 16 Odessa St. 30176 Tallapoosa, GA, US

Website: gci.church/tallapoosa/

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Grace Communion Tallapoosa 27.05.2021

When Elisha’s servant woke to find the Syrian army surrounding their camp, he cried out to Elisha, What are we to do? Elisha answered, "Don't be afraid. We ha...ve more forces on our side than they have on theirs, and prayed for his servant to have supernatural vision. When the servant’s eyes were opened, God allowed him to see into the heavenly realm where invisible armies of horses and chariots of fire stood ready, far outnumbering the Syrian troops. Despite this miracle, the enemy did not disappear. They were still there. The natural truth was still true, but Elisha’s servant was given a peek into heavenly reality. The truth was that a greater angelic army was already there, but until his eyes of faith were opened he was unable to see it. Holy Spirit, open our spiritual eyes and help us to fear not as we walk by faith and not by sight. #GCIMeditationMonday See more

Grace Communion Tallapoosa 14.05.2021

When Jesus died, you died. When Jesus was raised, you were raised. When Jesus ascended to the right hand of the Father, you ascended to the right hand of the Fa...ther. The Father’s plan has always been to gather us together, in His Son, and to have us fully embraced within the Trinity’s relationship. You are the Beloved, utterly and completely adored by the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. As Jesus is so are you in this world. You are in union with Love. Take a moment to breathe in Love and exhale everything else. Imagine Love coursing through your veins and empowering you to let go and give into Love. The world needs more of your unique expression of God’s love. Ask Jesus how you can participate with Love right now. #GCIMeditationMonday See more

Grace Communion Tallapoosa 12.05.2021

Right before his death, Jesus managed these last words, Father, into your hands I commit my spirit. Words, despite all that had happened, that spoke of his un...wavering trust that God the Father was still good and still trustworthy. It was a moment of complete surrender, even as Jesus entered into our fallen darkness, he chose to believe in Love rather than doubt. Even with his limited strength, Jesus was able to cry out his witness to the goodness of God. A declaration so commanding that its power reached back through time to undo the actions of a young married couple who chose to believe an evil lie that God was selfish and untrustworthy. Jesus words transformed our story by replacing humanity’s original no with an incredible and overwhelming yes. Lord, when life seems anything but fair, help us to believe that you really are that good and in return put our complete trust in your goodness. #GCIMeditationMonday See more

Grace Communion Tallapoosa 03.05.2021

A prayer for Holy Saturday

Grace Communion Tallapoosa 27.04.2021

A thought for Good Friday(by C. Baxter Kruger via Trinitarianism)

Grace Communion Tallapoosa 13.04.2021

Maundy ThursdayCommemorating the Last Supper, during which Jesus inaugurated the sacrament of the Lord's Supper (Holy Communion/Eucharist).

Grace Communion Tallapoosa 26.03.2021

At times we may feel overwhelmed by our brokenness, by all the ways in which we fall short of what God would like us to be. In truth, we are all broken vessels.... Thankfully, this is not the end of the story. As we offer ourselves to Jesus, the One who was broken for us, he pours his life into us. That life overflows, leaking out all over those with whom we come in contact. Today, bring your weaknesses and sins to Jesus. He will redeem and turn them, as you are willing, into a means by which he brings healing and renewal to others who also are broken. #GCIMeditationMonday See more

Grace Communion Tallapoosa 18.03.2021

When we think of hiding God’s word in our heart, we may believe that we simply must read and memorize important Bible verses. But when we realize that God’s liv...ing Word, Jesus Christ, came to live our life, die our death, and raise us up to new life, we go beyond this simple spiritual discipline into the realm of relationship, faith, and obedience. Today, the living Word comes in the person and presence of the Holy Spirit. How are you making room for God’s presence in your heart and life, while making his written word an active part of the way you think, believe and act? #GCIMeditationMonday See more

Grace Communion Tallapoosa 28.01.2021

Go Peaceful by Paul Field Go peaceful in gentleness through the violence of these days.... Give freely. Show tenderness in all your ways. Through darkness, in troubled times let holiness be your aim. Seek wisdom. Let faithfulness burn like a flame. God speed you! God lead you, and keep you wrapped around His heart! May you be known by love. Be righteous. Speak truthfully in a world of that’s full of greed and lies. Show kindness. See everyone through heaven’s eyes. God hold you, enfold you, and keep you wrapped around His heart. May you be known by love. May you be known by love. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1HyVsgOjeE

Grace Communion Tallapoosa 13.01.2021

The Magi following the star was a response to an invitation to worship Jesus. This symbolic moment revealed Jesus as Messiah not just for the Jews, but a light ...for all nations and people. When they arrived in Bethlehem, the star they followed stopped and they were overwhelmed with joy. That understanding brings us to an epiphany from our story: God calls everyone to himself. In our search for Jesus, sooner or later the signs that point to him are replaced with the joy that he is near. Joy becomes our new guide, leading us to enter his home where we see Jesus. Take a moment to rest in Jesus’ presence. Ask him to have joy guide you forward in your relationship with him. #GCIMeditationMonday See more

Grace Communion Tallapoosa 11.01.2021

As believers, may we keep our focus on the the One who loves us all and keeps his promises. Let us be trust him and share the good news with others. Praise the Lord! Let all that I am praise the Lord. I will praise the Lord as long as I live. ... I will sing praises to my God with my dying breath. Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. When they breathe their last, they return to the earth, and all their plans die with them. But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God. He made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. He keeps every promise forever. He gives justice to the oppressed and food to the hungry. The Lord frees the prisoners. The Lord opens the eyes of the blind. The Lord lifts up those who are weighed down. The Lord loves the godly. The Lord protects the foreigners among us. He cares for the orphans and widows, but he frustrates the plans of the wicked. The Lord will reign forever. He will be your God, O Jerusalem, throughout the generations. Praise the Lord! Psalms 146:1-10 NLT https://www.bible.com/116/psa.146.1-10.nlt