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Phone: +1 706-374-0498

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Grace Life Church International 05.06.2021

DAILY LIFE May 6, 2021 On this National Day of Prayer I believe this is a comforting word for all. With all the uncertainties and chaos and fear going on in the world, we as His people, can stand and declare His will and His purposes over our great country. ...Continue reading

Grace Life Church International 31.05.2021

DAILY LIFE May 5, 2021 LIVE AS FREE PEOPLE!... John 8:31-32 Ampc So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. And you will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. God’s Truth does not just set us free. It makes us free! It does not just define our liberties, it creates and establishes how we see our selves in Him. Free of guilt. Forgiven and free from condemnation. If we have asked Jesus in our heart and made Him Lord of our life, we are born into a heavenly kingdom. Free from stress, oppression and striving. Free from measuring ourselves. A kingdom of peace and joy and His righteousness ruling and reigning in us. His Kingdom that operates like heaven on earth. His kingdom principles are there to help us in our life. Jesus wants to free us of everything that steals our life, our joy and freedom. So we can be who we are destined to be. He gives us His power to create the life that we are intended to live. Following Him is not a set of religious rules and obligations. It is a journey of a loving relationship with the One who created you! His way is light and full of His peace. In uncertain times, when everything looks like it is being shaken, we have a foundation of the faithfulness of a loving Heavenly Father to assure us of a hope and a good future. He gave us His Word as a lamp for our feet and His Spirit to comfort and encourage, guide and strengthen us. Not by our will power or strength but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Hosts! Then He goes on to say that your mountain will become as small as a molehill when you speak Grace, Grace to it. We were never created to live a life of fear and desperation! Fear not! I Am with you! Your peace and your strength are found in Me! Says the Lord! Live as free people!!! Blessings, Pastor Jody Today’s Bible Reading (Ampc) John 1:12, 8:30-32, 10:10,14:16-27, 16:33 Luke 10:17 Philippians 4:6-8, Romans 8:1-2, Psalms 119:105 Jer. 29:11, Zechariah 4:6-7 My Declaration I am thankful for my freedom in Christ. I am thankful for the Holy Spirit that dwells in me. Jesus is my peace, my strength and my wisdom. His Spirit guides me into all truth. I will not be deceived by the evil one. I am more than an overcomer in all things. I declare this in Jesus’ Name!

Grace Life Church International 06.05.2021

DAILY LIFE April 9, 2021 This is an excerpt from my book Along the Way Now available at Amazon. Or contact our ministry at gracelifechurchintl.com ...Continue reading

Grace Life Church International 16.04.2021

DAILY LIFE April 8, 2021 THIS IS THE WAY! ... John 16:7 Ampc ... it is profitable ( good, expedient, advantageous) for you that I go away. Because if I do not go away, the Comforter ( Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you {into close fellowship with you}; but if I go away, I will send Him to you {to be in close fellowship with you}. In this verse, Jesus was preparing the disciples for His departure. He was referring them to the person of the Holy Spirit that would be with them and help them after He returned to the Father. Holy Spirit does convict the world of sin. But He convicts the believer of righteousness. The right way of doing and thinking. In our society the thinking seems to be that if it feels right to you, then do it. But there is way that seems right to people that only sends them down the path of hurt and harm. How do we know what is right? The Holy Spirit and the word of God. The Wisdom of God spoken in love. He speaks to us personally through His Word when we spend time with Him. He also gives us pastors, teachers, and mentors for wise counsel and instruction. Scripture says that peace is the fruit of godly wisdom. Holy Spirit will give His direction with peace and confirmation of two or three witnesses. If we seek out what is right and true, He will answer. He will say, This is the way, walk in it. ( Isaiah 30:21) As a loving Father or wise Friend, you can get direction and instruction and wisdom from the One who was sent to you when you accepted Christ. He is alive in you to give you instructions in righteousness. He has the right way. He will also help you and empower you to do what He says. And He is always there to help, correct and comfort you when you’ve made a wrong turn or a big mess, if you turn to Him. He will only say what the Father says to help you and remind you of who you are in Him! A blessed son or daughter of the Most High God! Listen! Follow! Blessings, Pastor Jody Today’s Bible Reading (ampc) John 16:7-15, 10:10, Isaiah 30:21, Prov. 14:12, Jer. 29:11, James 3:15-18 My Declaration! I love to learn. Not just to know but to grow. And I am thankful to be taught what is right. When I accepted Jesus as my Savior, I was made the righteousness of God because of Jesus Christ. I received the gift of His Holy Spirit. I look to Him for His guidance, comfort, power and wisdom. He has only good for me and my life. He will never leave me. He gives my heart perfect peace and fullness of joy.

Grace Life Church International 06.04.2021

DAILY LIFE April 7, 2021 OUR PRAYER PARTNER... Romans 8:28 Ampc We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose. We see in this scripture a promise that is sometimes misunderstood. The key to understanding this scripture is in the ones just before it. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us in perfect harmony with God’s will. This verse then goes on to say that because of His partnering with us, His saints, praying in agreement, we are assured that all things work together for our good. So our participation in agreement with God and His will and plan for us is key. This promise is a wonderful blessing but not all inclusive. Our part is crucial in believing and receiving. Our prayers of faith and trust in His love for us and His Holy Word. Jesus gave us a command to believe Him and then to love one another. That is the agreement we walk in with Him. Then we can trust Him to turn those things which the enemy meant for our destruction to be turned for our good and His glory. But if we go around throwing emotional fits, getting offended, lying and manipulating and not staying in faith and trust in Him working on our behalf, we have broken our agreement with His promise. There is a big difference between complaining with offense and accusation and asking for counsel and guidance in a situation. A wise person asks for and welcomes God’s wisdom and wants what is right. Not just their own way. Stay in faith. His will is for you to come out of every situation with a testimony of His faithfulness! He will do what He said! He is standing for you and calling you to good things. Agree with Him! He is a good prayer partner! Blessings, Pastor Jody Today’s Bible Reading (ampc) Romans 8:24-28, Mark 11:22-23. Jer. 29:11, James 1:5-8 My Declaration Thank You Lord, for Your Holy Spirit that is ever interceding on my behalf. I agree with Your perfect will for my life. I trust You will always help me and cause all things to work together for my good. No matter what I see or feel, You are faithful to Your Word. Your eyes are always on me and Your heart is always for me!

Grace Life Church International 04.04.2021

DAILY LIFE April 6, 2021 FILL THE WATER POTS John 2:7... Jesus said to them, Fill the water pots with water. So they filled them up to the brim. This is the first miracle recorded of Jesus. The clay pots were there for ceremonial washing. This verse is His instruction to the men at the wedding feast. We know from the following verses that the water was instantly turned to wine when it was poured out. If we understand that we are the earthen vessels, the instruction would be for us to be filled with water. Scripture refers to water as the word of God. When we come to the word of God we are not coming to a book. We are coming to a person. Jesus is the Living Water. A couple chapters over, He said, Drink of Me and you’ll never thirst again. Drink of His Spirit in true worship. And His Word, not just rote knowledge, but meditating on it and letting His words do a perfect work in your heart and renew and refresh your soul. Scripture says for us to be not drunk with wine, but filled with the Holy Spirit. He is faithful to His Word. It is alive with His power and wisdom and His love for you. Don’t go around trying to deal with life on your own with no water. You will get weary and thirsty. You will try to fill it with other things. But those things will never satisfy your thirst for Jesus and His words of truth, love and comfort. Let Him fill you. Wash over you. Filling you to overflowing with Himself. Then when the world around us are needing a taste of Who He is, they can draw on what we have. His peace, His joy, His love. Poured out like wine! The wine is a symbol of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. His power of total redemption of sin through the blood of Jesus and Him dwelling on the inside of us. So be filled to the brim! Be empowered and strengthened! Ready to be poured out and filled again! Blessings, Pastor Jody Today’s Bible Reading John 2:1-10, 4:13-15, 23-24, 7:38 Ephesians 5:18, 26, Luke 10:34, 2 Corinthians 4:6-7 My Declaration Lord, I sit at Your feet in worship and thanksgiving of Who You are. I ask You to fill me with Your Spirit to overflowing. Through Your word my heart is restored and my mind is renewed. I receive Your love and healing peace. I desire to know You more and Your heart. Give me a better understanding and a love for Your Word. I will be filled up to pour out to the ones You show me. The hurting, the helpless, the lost. Use me as an instrument of Your glory! In Jesus’ Name!

Grace Life Church International 22.03.2021

DAILY LIFE April 5, 2021 WE WALK! ...Continue reading