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Locality: Kennesaw, Georgia

Phone: +1 770-944-9377

Address: 975 Cobb Place Blvd NW, Ste 205 30144 Kennesaw, GA, US

Website: www.harvestfirechurch.org

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Harvestfire Church International 03.11.2020

When Jesus said to go and make disciples of all the nations He did not say just go get everybody saved. The following are excerpts from Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, literally, "a learner" (from manthano, "to learn," from a root math--, indicating thought accompanied by endeavor), in contrast to didaskalos, "a teacher;" hence it denotes "one who follows one's teaching; A "disciple" was not only a pupil, but an adherent; hence they are spoken of as ...imitators of their teacher It also means, by virtue of the word, to mean one who is disciplined in a particular teaching. Getting someone born again is not the end game, it is only the beginning of a life that seeks to become as the teacher. That Teacher is Jesus and the Holy Spirit, with whom the disciple should seek to develop a deep and personal relationship with throughout their lifetime. See more

Harvestfire Church International 08.10.2020

Matthew 25:31-32, (NKJV), When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. This is not a judgment of individual people. It is a judgment of nations, based upon how those nations treated the people of God in their midst. Right now, the Body of Christ should be carrying out Matthew 28:18-20, discipling nations, teaching them the commandments of Jesus that, if obeyed, will influence the culture of that nation to be more acceptant of the Gospel, and enable that nation to be qualified as a sheep nation in the aforementioned judgment.

Harvestfire Church International 01.10.2020

When you consider the reality that Spirit-filled, Charismatic Christianity in this nation has not been in a position of greater influence over all the demonic isms that have invaded the citadels of education, media, arts and entertainment, and to a great degree, government, you have to realize that just getting people saved will not reform the culture of a nation. We have to engage in the assignment of discipling the nation through the mountains of culture where influence over the culture are exercised on a 24/7 basis. We cannot overemphasize one part of the Great Commission alone at the expense of not doing the other.

Harvestfire Church International 15.09.2020

Jesus said in Matthew 5:13, You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. The church was labeled as non-essential at the beginning of all the shutdowns. Why? We lost the preserving power of salt that the Body of Christ is supposed to bring to this earth. Jesus also said in Matthew 5:14-16, You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hi...ll cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Being labeled non-essential is also due to the Body of Christ hiding out in their churches and expecting the world to find us and come to us. We MUST ENGAGE with the world out in the world. See more

Harvestfire Church International 26.08.2020

Daniel 10: 12-13, 20, Then he said to me, ‘Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard; and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia. And now I must return to fight with the prince of Persia;... and when I have gone forth, indeed the prince of Greece will come.’ (NKJV) All political systems are influenced by spiritual activity that is either coming from the kingdom of darkness, from activity that is being directed by God through the authority and yielded obedience of the Body of Christ to His directives. God needs His people to engage in this arena so that His purposes can be carried out in our nation. See more

Harvestfire Church International 22.08.2020

The hierarchy of satan’s demonic hordes is laid out in Ephesians 6:12, For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (NKJV) The three levels of spirits we have direct contact with in daily life are principalities, powers, and rulers of the darkness of this age. The spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realm are the fallen angels that are functioning over nations to influence governments, and the other mountains of mind-molding in the culture of those nations. All of these entities are to be made Jesus footstool by the Holy Spirit-led activity of the Ecclesia that allows the influence of the Kingdom of God to be the greater influence in the culture of the nations.

Harvestfire Church International 12.08.2020

The Body of Christ MUST wake up to the reality that virtually all of the things going on in this nation (as well as other nations, too) are not taking place in a vacuum. There is activity in the realm of the spirit that is influencing people to behave and say things that without those influences they would not do or say. There are satanic machinations that are playing out within the culture of this nation that, if the Body of Christ does not deal with it through Holy Spirit-l...ed and directed prayer and release of authority, will turn this nation into a demonic hell-hole. Satan HATES the United States of America, and there are human entities that are yielding to his influence and doing everything possible to tear this republic apart. It is up to the Ecclesia to function in the fullness of our position, seated with Christ at the Righthand of the Father, to stop the demonic activity that, left unchecked, will make life as a Christian in this nation become extremely difficult. See more

Harvestfire Church International 25.07.2020

The word church comes from the Greek word ecclesia. Ecclesia originated from Athens, Greece and the practice of literally calling out a body of people who were to function in government. Jesus in Matthew 16:18 said that He would build His ecclesia, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. The Body of Christ is not just called out of the world, it is called into the Kingdom and Government of God and to be ambassadors of that Kingdom in this earth. The implicati...ons of this as described throughout the New Testament has been mostly lost by the influence of religion and men’s darkened consciousness. Each local expression of the ecclesia is to be an Embassy of the Kingdom of God and through Holy Spirit-led strategies exercise dominion in the realm of the spirit over their assigned geographical areas to push back against the kingdom of darkness’ influence over that area. See more

Harvestfire Church International 08.07.2020

Jesus is the Head of the Body of Christ. All other members of the Body (born again believers, including preachers) must be subservient to the Head for coordinated ministry to take place in the earth. Self-willed ministry is iniquitous at its root and counter-productive to the will and purposes of Jesus. Very little of modern-day church looks even remotely like what Jesus intended the Body of Christ to look like or sound like. The ineffectiveness and powerlessness of the current version of what we call church has proven it needs to realign with Heaven and connect back with the Head and start steward this nation according to the will, desire and purpose of He who has inherited all nations through the work at the Cross.

Harvestfire Church International 21.06.2020

When the Body of Christ wakes up to the reality that their responsibility is to carry out God’s great plan and purpose in the earth through Holy Spirit-led coordinated strategies and movement the effectiveness of our efforts will increase by virtue of the initiative and activity will be originating from the Lord and not us. We will not be able to bring the demonic powers under subjection and make them Jesus’ footstool without letting go of all self-willed activity and ministr...y. Our limited vision of what Jesus desires to accomplish in the earth has hindered His ability to direct His Body in the earth, and has granted too many legal rights to the kingdom of darkness to frustrate our God-designed and created purposes and destinies. Thus, nations are not being discipled into the mindsets that make seeing them become sheep nations as opposed to goat nations. The Great Awakening will be more an awakening to the true will of God from the religiously-oriented ideas that have rendered the modern-day church to be irrelevant and non-essential. See more

Harvestfire Church International 18.06.2020

The glory of the nations as mentioned by the devil in Luke 4:5-7 is all of the physical, material, and financial substance of those nations, as well as all of the people. This was the realm of Adam’s stewardship, lost to satan through iniquity, and purchased back by the Man, Jesus Christ, through His work of redemption. God promised to Abraham that he would be heir of the world (Romans 4:13), and that promise was to Abraham’s seed, which is Jesus Christ. Romans 8:17 revea...ls that all who are in Christ through oneness of the Holy Spirit are joint-heirs with Christ. The joint-citizenship of the believer being a citizen of Heaven and, while living in the earth being a citizen of earth, is the key legal issue that grants the Body of Christ the right and authority to possess the seven mountains of cultural influence and bring the anointing and power of Jesus into those realms. See more

Harvestfire Church International 23.05.2020

The entire purpose of the plan of redemption is to do far more than just get men born again. It’s goal is to bring all of creation under the influence of The Redeemer. The Body of Christ is the earthly legal agent and ambassador of the Kingdom of God and we are sent by the King into the world to do and say what Jesus has purposed to be done and said through the leadership of the Holy Spirit to see His will done on earth as He has already established in Heaven. This includes leading us in making choices as to who we vote for that will provide the best opportunity to His will to be carried out in our nation. This is not a personal decision for the believer; it is an act of yielded obedience to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.