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Locality: Dacula, Georgia

Phone: +1 770-871-0698

Address: PO Box 1270 30019 Dacula, GA, US

Website: messengersgospelmusic.com/

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Messengers Gospel Music 4U 13.12.2021

Today's Message Use Your Time Wisely For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.... (James 4:14) Nothing takes God by surprise. Everything is moving according to a plan, and God wants you in that plan. The devil also has a plan for the world. God has a plan and the devil has a plan, and you will have to decide which plan you are going to fit into. Scripture says that God allows us 70 years and some beyond. The first 15 are spent in childhood and early adolescence. Twenty years are spent in bed, and in the last five, physical limitations start to curtail our activities. That gives us about 30 years in which to live as adults. We take time out for eating, and for figuring our taxes, and we are down to perhaps 15 years. Now suppose we spend seven of those years watching television. That cuts us down to seven or eight years. Our time is short! The time we can invest for God, in creative things, in reaching our fellowmen for Christ, is short "The Time Is Short." PRAYER FOR THE DAY Each hour of every day that is left of this earthly life, I would spend serving You, Lord Jesus. Forgive the time spent so often in needless endeavor. Amen!

Messengers Gospel Music 4U 02.12.2021

Today's Message Share What He Has Done I will declare thy name unto my brethren . . .... (Psalm 22:22) One of God's Followers sent this to me to Share! Pass it on! There are those near you in your own community who need the regenerating power of Christ. You can call them by name. I suggest that you make a list and begin by spending time in prayer for them. Ask God to show you how to witness to them and how to win them. Their lives can be transformed by the message you give them. You are to share this Gospel you have received. If Christ has done anything for you, then share it. In so doing, you are showing mercy! As you have received the mercy of God by the forgiveness of sin and the promise of eternal life-thus you are to show mercy! And in showing mercy you will not only receive mercy but you will find a stimulating happiness! PRAYER FOR THE DAY As I close my eyes in prayer, let me see the faces of those who need to know You, beloved Savior. Amen!

Messengers Gospel Music 4U 13.11.2021

Verse of the Day Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. (Psalms 55:22)

Messengers Gospel Music 4U 09.11.2021

Today's Message Responsibility of Family Bless me and my family forever!... (2 Samuel 7:29) Apart from religious influence, the family is the most important unit of society. It would be good if every home were Christian, but we know that it is not so. The family and the home can never exert their proper influence while ignoring the biblical standard. The Bible calls for discipline and a recognition of authority. If children do not learn this at home, they will go out into society without the proper attitude toward authority and law. There is always the exceptional child, but the average tells us that the child is largely what the home has made him. The only way to provide the right home for your children is to put the Lord above them, and fully instruct them in the ways of the Lord. You are responsible before God for the home you provide for them. PRAYER FOR THE DAY Father, keep me from any word or deed that might hinder a child from loving You. Amen!

Messengers Gospel Music 4U 30.10.2021

After several year being a Gospel group,The Messengers will be starting over in February. I have settled on expanding our travel to take our messages to include Churches and Various Private Functions.. We want to reach more people with the Messengers songs of Praising our Lord. Our website will be adding some of our music, Schedule of open appearances and Devotionals.... Happy Trails and God Bless All

Messengers Gospel Music 4U 13.10.2021

Today's Message Plan for Suffering We work hard and suffer much in order that people will believe it, for our hope is in the living God who died for all.... (1 Timothy 4:9,10) Our life has its beginning in suffering. Life's span is marked by pain and tragedy, and our lives terminate with the enemy called death. The person who expects to escape the pains of suffering and disappointment simply has no knowledge of the Bible, of history, or of life. The master musician knows that suffering precedes glory and acclaim. He knows the hours, days, and months of grueling practice and self-sacrifice that precede the one hour of perfect rendition when his mastership is applauded. The student knows that years of study, privation, and self-renunciation precede the triumphant day of graduation and honors. Yes, there are clouds of suffering for each one of us, but God says, "I come to you in the thick dark cloud of suffering." By faith you can see His blessed face in the storm. God has His plan and purpose in all suffering. PRAYER FOR THE DAY Heavenly Father, help me to remember that none of my suffering is in vain. Through it teach me more of Your love and comfort. Amen!

Messengers Gospel Music 4U 06.10.2021

Today's Message Don’t Lose Sight . . . when they found him not, they turned back again to Jerusalem . . .... (Luke 2:45) We might as well face it, strife has even infiltrated our church life. It is true enough that the Church is now the Church militant. But, as such, its warfare ought to be that of dedication to revealed truth and divine holiness, and not intramural bickering and carnal disputes. We read in the second chapter of Luke that Joseph and Mary lost Jesus one day. Where did they lose Him? They lost Him in the most unlikely place in all the world-the Temple. You and I have seen many people lose Jesus right in the church. We all have seen them lose Him in a dispute about who was to be choir director, who was to play the organ, who was to be an elder, or who was to be the minister. Yes, because we are human, though Christian, it is easy to lose sight of Jesus right in the temple! PRAYER FOR THE DAY Don't let me lose sight of You, Lord, in the complex logistics of everyday life. Amen!

Messengers Gospel Music 4U 12.07.2021

Today's Message Ready for a Breakthrough May the God of peace . . . produce in you through the power of Christ all that is pleasing to him . . .... (Hebrews 13:20,21) When I was a small boy, radio was just coming of age. We would gather around a crude homemade set and twist the three tuning dials in an effort to establish contact with the transmitter. Often, all the sound that came out of the amplifier was the squawk of static; but we knew that somewhere out there was the unseen transmitter, and if contact was established and the dials were in adjustment, we could hear a voice loud and clear. After a long time of laborious tuning, the far distant voice would suddenly break through and a smile of triumph would illuminate the faces of all in the room. At last we were tuned in! In the revelation that God established between Himself and us, we can find a new life and a new dimension of living, but we must "tune in." There are higher levels of living to which we have never attained. There is peace, satisfaction, and joy that we have never experienced. God is trying to break through to us. The heavens are calling. God is speaking! Let all Men and Women hear! "Turn your Radio On!" PRAYER FOR THE DAY Lord, help me to be so attuned to Your will that I will experience all that You so lovingly wish to bestow. Amen!

Messengers Gospel Music 4U 22.06.2021

Today's Message What Is God Like? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there . . .... (Psalm 139:8) I believe it is possible to know what God is like. The Bible declares that God is Spirit, that He is not limited to body; He is not limited to shape; He is not limited to force; He is not limited to boundaries or bonds; He is absolutely immeasurable. Thousands of people are trying to limit God to certain spheres, and relegate Him to certain categories that are the product of their own speculation. There is no limit to God. There is no limit to His wisdom. There is no limit to His power. There is no limit to His love. There is no limit to His mercy. Men change, fashions change, conditions and circumstances change, but God never changes. PRAYER FOR THE DAY I limit You so many times, Lord. Forgive my finite mind and fill me with Your wisdom, power, and mercy, so that I can touch those You love this day. Amen!

Messengers Gospel Music 4U 06.06.2021

Quote for Today The framers of our Constitution meant we were to have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. Amen!

Messengers Gospel Music 4U 29.05.2021

Today's Message (Fits Me?) Working Together for Good... We know that all things work together for good to them that love God . . . (Romans 8:28) We might never have had the songs of Fanny Crosby had she not been afflicted with blindness. George Matheson would never have given the world his immortal song, "O Love That Will Not Let Me Go," had it not been for his passing through the furnace of affliction. The "Hallelujah Chorus" was written by George Frederick Handel when he was poverty-stricken and suffering from a paralyzed right side and right arm. Affliction may be for our edification and Christian development. Sickness is one of the "all things" which work together for good to them that love God. Don't resent it. Don't be embittered by it. PRAYER FOR THE DAY You do not make mistakes, Father. If sorrow comes into my life, let me use it to help others know about You. Amen!

Messengers Gospel Music 4U 24.05.2021

Today's Message He Can Use Anyone For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.... (Philippians 1:21) Helen Keller, who is a classic example of handling life's handicaps, said, "I thank God for my handicaps, for through them I have found myself, my work, and my God." Some people with handicaps drown themselves in self-pity, and thus limit their usefulness and service to mankind and to God. The Apostle Paul knew the pangs of suffering. He used his infirmity rather than allowing his infirmity to use him, and he used it for the glory of God. He seized everything, even death, to glorify his Lord. No matter which way fate turned, he was one jump ahead of it, and using it to magnify his Savior. PRAYER FOR THE DAY; Even my handicaps can be used by You, Lord Jesus. Like the Apostle Paul, let me rise above them for Your glory. Amen!