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Locality: Norcross, Georgia

Phone: +1 678-533-1900

Address: 706 N Peachtree St 30071 Norcross, GA, US

Website: www.oneheartchurch.org

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One Heart Church Congregation Page 11.02.2021

Living in Holy Anticipation Acts 1:1-11 - 2/21/21 - Gearl Spicer As you think about your own life experiences, think about this question. Do you remember the last time you experienced a major life change? In Acts 1, verses 7-8 says, He said to them, It is not for you to know times or epochs the Father has fixed by His own authority; but you will receive power when The Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and Samaria, and even the ...remotest part of the earth. And verse 11 says, They also said, Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky. There are 4 points I want you to see today. Here are the radical changes that led to an amazing future. First, Grasping the blessing of the resurrectionvs. 1-3. a. Orders are given to be obeyed (how effective are you at carrying the message to others?); b. Suffering opened the door to the kingdom (it motivates us to accomplish His work in us); and c. All the preparation was for effectiveness (position yourself to understand the message). The second point is, Listening to instructions led to Holy Spirit powervs. 4-5, 8a. a. He keeps His promises; b. He speaks clearly to our hearts; and c. Understand the dynamic power coming from the Holy Spirit! The third point is, Realize the mystery of future Kairos moments - vs. 6-7. a. Live in anticipation of the future kingdom; b. Live under His authority. And the fourth and last point, Staying focused leads to eternal impact - vs. 8-11. a. Present a living witness (how effective am I?); b. Focus on your future. Don’t allow fear to define your faith! As you think about your own journey of faith, the question is, What are you anticipating?

One Heart Church Congregation Page 03.02.2021

Pastor Gearl Spicer continues the series entitled Just in Time: Capture the moments: Live in Holy Anticipation: Acts 1:1-11 Permission is granted for the streaming use of tracks produced by Prism Music, Inc. This permission covers this streamed and/or recorded performance only.

One Heart Church Congregation Page 26.01.2021

EMBRACE THE ADVENTURE - Coming in March 2021 There is nothing more exciting than choosing to pursue God through His Word. If we discipline our hearts in the pursuit, we develop a hunger and a thirst for principles that lead us to a more devoted life. The key to this month- long adventure is a willingness to daily seek His heart for your life. Remember, it must be a daily focused discipline. This guide will help you record all the He is saying to your heart. We are providing you with a journal to help you through this process. Click the link below. http://oneheartchurch.org//Embrace-the-Adventure-Downloada

One Heart Church Congregation Page 07.01.2021

Reflecting Spiritual Excellence II Timothy 4:1-8 - 2/14/21 - Gearl Spicer I have two questions for you today. Who do you listen to regarding God’s Word? And, what are you looking for in the future? Our Kairos moments will come as we carefully evaluate who we listen to and who we look for in life.... Let’s look at II Timothy 4:3, which says, For the TIME will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires. Verse 6 says, For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the TIME of departure has come. And lastly, we see in verse 8, In the future is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day, and not to me, but also to all who have loved His appearing. As we dive into our text today, I want you to see two distinctive points. First is the CALL TO BALANCE A TRUE REALITY - vs. 1-4. There are three things to grasp here. 1. Never compromise your calling; 2. Live with distinctive convictions - a. Reprove convey your conviction, b. Rebukewarn people, and c. Exhortappeal the reality of the plan God has for you. And the last point, 3. Recognize the signs of falling away. The second distinctive point is to ANTICIPATE A BRILLIANT FUTURE - vs. 5-8. There are 3 things I want you to grasp here as well. 1. Be alert to every opportunity - a. Never surrender the fight, b. Share the Gospel, c. Finish well. 2. Live out your life calling; and the final point, 3. Look for His return. So today, the question we ask is, What does your life reflect today?

One Heart Church Congregation Page 21.12.2020

Pastor Gearl Spicer continues the series entitled Just in Time: Capture the moments: Reflect Spiritual Excellence: 2 Timothy 4:1-8 Permission is granted for the streaming use of tracks produced by Prism Music, Inc. This permission covers this streamed and/or recorded performance only.