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Locality: Suwanee, Georgia

Phone: +1 478-987-9697

Address: 105 Satellite Blvd, Suite B 30024 Suwanee, GA, US

Website: www.prosperperformance-pt.com

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PROSPER Performance & Physical Therapy 18.02.2021

CAN YOU PREVENT TEARING DURING DELIVERY? My son wasn’t ready to make his grand entrance (or exit, really). We were anxious, so we jumped on the opportunity to induce labor even though we were still weeks from due date. For the record - I do NOT recommend elective induction due to impatience. Lesson learned. It was soon apparent we'd started the delivery process before he was ready. "It will only take you a few pushes, I heard - but it didn’t. Unbeknownst to me, there... was discussion of a c-section. He was face- up (or "OP"). We joke about it now he just wanted to see the world or keep his face pretty. But it was really pretty serious. Babies don’t fit in the birth canal well when the hard skull is against the hard pelvis. There's a reason they face the back of the mother as they get ready to exit. I was able to push him out anyway, as the doctor turned him as best she could. But, it was not without consequence. The muscles tore quite a bit & required an episiotomy. That recovery is not fun, but even worse was the potential long-term damage that could've occurred. A week after delivery, I went to the Dr with signs of infection. I remember her leaving the room & banging on the wall. During an episiotomy, they use packing that prevents further bleeding until all sewn up. That packing was still inside me. Big deal! Many people have died from similar situations & I was lucky to have been so healthy - she told me herself. On top of that, the infection could lead to scarring, making conception difficult in the future. Why go through the risk of an episiotomy if you can potentially avoid it? Obviously, don’t agree to have your baby forced out before ready... But tears are common, even when the timing IS right. An asymmetrical pelvis makes it more likely. There are a few simple exercises you can do to help get & keep that pelvis aligned during pregnancy. Just ASK MY CLIENT WHO HAD 2 PRIOR "OP" DELIVERIES. She worked with me during the 3rd pregnancy, & BABY #3 SLIPPED RIGHT OUT! Set yourself up for a smooth delivery! It’s probably easier than you think. PM me & let's talk about how I can help! , Kristen

PROSPER Performance & Physical Therapy 02.02.2021

"EXPERT" IN THE FIELD I've been certified in Postural Restoration (PRI) for 11 yrs now. I was one of the first 50 clinicians to be certified IN THE WORLD. I've watched the understanding & awareness of the science grow year after year. I've been sought out from the tri-state area (TN, AL, GA) by clients and colleagues, alike, for my expertise in the science of PRI. I mean, I know it all, right??! Ha! This is exactly what I love about the @posturalrestorationinstitute th...at I've been so honored to be a part of for so long. Over the past 11 yrs, the discoveries and research continued... courses that I took way-back-when have been expanded into multiple courses. The concepts are the same, but the understanding, details and applications continue to expand. I've been watching this evolve from the sidelines for several years now, but finally realized I needed to dive back in! This was increasingly evident this past weekend. What I learned in 1 course back in 2008 is now covered in 3 courses! I took Course 1 this weekend & boy, was my mind was challenged. But, my heart was full. If you don't believe me, look at all those notes!! ... Taken by an "expert" in the science. WHAT EVEN IS AN EXPERT? But, man, I wish you could all see the smiles & laughter on my face all along. I challenge you to keep growing, keep learning, never settle. Push yourself out of your comfort zone. That's where the best you awaits! Don't know what this science of Postural Restoration is all about? Reach out & I'll be more than happy to tell you all about it! It will make my heart happy. , Kristen PS - Look forward to some new insights on the neck. If you don't understand the relationship it has to to your whole body, your entire wellbeing, you're missing "IT". Thanks, Ron :) #posturalrestoration #prination #icymi #neversettle #cervicalrevolution #alwayslearning

PROSPER Performance & Physical Therapy 30.01.2021

MY COVID EXPERIENCE I've always tried to help others by sharing my personal experiences. It's just the way I'm wired. So, here is my Covid story. You can read the full story in my blog (https://buff.ly/2Mx10xV) But, I'll summarize here: The virus may not present obviously. It seems to sneak in more subtly now. If you are feeling ANYTHING, even if normal for you, don’t ignore it. Assume guilty until proven otherwise. ... Multiple tests taken at a few different periods/locations may be needed to adequately determine if you indeed have the virus. EARLY intervention is KEY! Yes, I am healthy. But, I credit much of my quick recovery to starting a steroid pack BEFORE things got bad. EARLY quarantine/isolation is super important. I feel lucky that my viral load was minimal when I had those indoor, close encounters with family, friends & clients leading up to the day I tested positive. Had I ignored it any longer, I don’t know if that would have been the same. I knew I had to keep my immunity up (especially bc steroids can lower it some) AND keep the fluids moving in my lungs. I'm sharing my personal routine with you here! MY LUNG HEALTH & SUPPLEMENT ROUTINE EVERY Day, I: Went for a 20-30 min walk Did my Healthy Lungs breathing exercises Drank "Wellness Tea" using Essential Oils (Young Living Frankincense, Thieves Blend, Lemon) & honey Took 1 Probiotic nightly Took 1-2 immunity/sleep support tablet nightly (Young Living "ImmuPro") Took a steaming shower with drops of respiratory supportive EOs (Young Living RC Blend & Eucalyptus Radiata) Took 1 capsule of Young Living's "Inner Defense" EO blend ea morning. Drank 1 glass of Vit C & Zinc Supplement (Ener-C) Diffused immunity-supportive & respiratory-supportive EOs nearby most of the day, definitely next to my bed Rested even when I was no longer exhausted Slept > 9 hrs each night MOST Days, I (hey, no one's perfect): Ate lots of veggies Avoided inflammatory-provoking foods/drinks (namely, wine ) AND, I want as many people as possible to have access to my Healthy Lungs exercise videos... so, I'm offering them FREE!! Just use the code "COVID" at checkout. Get the program here: https://buff.ly/2LmqcXu

PROSPER Performance & Physical Therapy 27.01.2021

HOW STRESS IS HURTING YOUR POSTURE A client came in for a follow up recently. She had been doing all her exercises & feeling ok. Per usual, I screened her ribcage. Her ribs were more flared than they had been at her last few appts. I immediately stopped and asked, Are you going through something right now? With a shocked look she said, Um, yes. How did you know?! She didn’t realize there was a connection! You see, POSTURE & ALIGNMENT ARE NOT ONLY AFFECTED BY PHY...SICAL HABITS, BUT BY EMOTIONAL STRESS. It goes beyond tight shoulders and necks. It affects the ability to move freely through the entire body. We spent the majority of that session getting her body out of it’s fight or flight state. I knew it was not a day to progress activities, for they wouldn’t be possible for her in this state. It was a day to reset. A flared rib cage indicates a flatter than ideal diaphragm. The reasons for this are numerous, but when I saw a sudden regression without any solid reason, I was pretty sure of what was going on. Just as stress affects your posture, your posture affects your stress levels. It can be a vicious cycle. The longer it goes, the harder it is to break. If you are dealing with a physically-demanding or prolonged sitting job AND emotional stress, it’s a double-whammy. I get it. It’s hard to make the time. Caring for your body not only requires extra time for the exercises, but it also takes the time away from work to make multiple appointments. But, what if it was easier? What if you only needed a few phone calls & a few high-quality exercises you could seamlessly add into your day? Would you take care of yourself NOW? I don’t want you to use the busyness of work as an excuse to not listen to and take care of your body that’s why I created my VIP Program! We can fit in what you need to bring your body back into balance in a way that fits into your schedule. Send me a PM so that we can discuss how the program can work for YOU! It's time to "Take your Musculoskeletal Health into Your Own Hands" , Kristen

PROSPER Performance & Physical Therapy 12.01.2021

THE TIME IS NOW! I would have looked into it sooner, but I hear this SO often in the office. Clients have put off addressing a nagging ache or pain because they don’t have time. Scheduling an appointment with the doctor is only the first step. Only to be prescribed a medication they may or may not be comfortable taking. And likely a referral to physical therapy. More appointments! Traveling to and from an appointment when your schedule is jammed or time off is limit...ed is daunting enough to push off the process. Or maybe they have a chiropractor they trust. No referral needed. Treatments are immediate, BUT this route requires multiple visits with often no end in sight. Again, a barrier that often leads to stalling out and opting to press on as is. What if there were a more convenient option? What if you could access a specialist directly and on your schedule? And be given the tools to get you out of pain on your OWN TIME? Would you take care of the problem sooner? What happens when we put off a subtle problem is that it becomes a larger, more complex problem by the time you have no choice but to address it. SO MANY TIMES CLIENTS ARE IN SUCH A DESPARATE SITUATION BY THE TIME THEY MAKE IT TO MY OFFICE & it breaks my heart. Yes, I get to swoop in and save the day, but it shouldn't have to come to that. A problem that started off as a clue that their body was giving them becomes so complex that it takes much more time and work than it would have if only addressed at the first signs! What you may not realize is that THE SOLUTION IS QUITE SIMPLE when addressed early on. This is exactly why I have designed my VIP program! Accessible, Flexible, and Reliable advice at your fingertips. It’s as simple as a few quality phone calls, 15 min of video-guided exercises daily, and unlimited access to my support and guidance. Sound like exactly what you need to address that nagging pain or tightness? Don’t delay until it is a debilitating problem - get started with me today! PM me to schedule a Free Discovery Call. It's that simple. "Take Your Musculoskeletal Health into Your Own Hands" , Kristen

PROSPER Performance & Physical Therapy 25.12.2020

EVEN WITH COVID, I CAN HELP! So, it eventually happened. I came down with the dreaded "'vid" last weekend. But, it's been a time to really reflect on the flexibility of my services.... my purpose work. Even from isolation, I have been able to connect with my clients. Connect with you. I've continued the conversations, the videos, the emails from a safe and isolated place. ... We don't need an office to meet in. We don't even need to meet face-to-face. I am taking Discovery Calls, modifying exercise programs, watching & sending videos to clients with questions, texting advice and exercises to those currently in need.... I am so thankful. Thankful that I feel well enough to function. Thankful that I have this space to keep others safe yet still be productive. Thankful for my gifts and talents that allow me to impact the world, even when it's not wise for me to go out into it. THIS is why I developed my VIP programs. Nothing will stop me from shining my light. From helping others. I did take a brief pause to rest up, but I'm baaack! If I can help people now, I can surely help YOU from wherever you are. Doesn't it feel supportive and encouraging to know there is an expert out there that will be there for you when and wherever YOU need it? The flexibility and accessibility is second-to-none. Call and find out for yourself! Just send a simple PM to set up a FREE Discovery Call... from my basement "Take Your Musculoskeletal Health into Your Own Hands" , Kristen

PROSPER Performance & Physical Therapy 17.12.2020

There's still time to buy someone the gift of Wellness & Hope this Season! The Muscle Cream has been a huge hit! Friends and Clients are raving over it's immediate effects on joint & muscle ailments. Order that one soon, so it is more likely to arrive by Christmas! And, of course my virtual AND in-person healing options are still available for purchase up to the last-minute ;) ... Shopping Link: https://lp.constantcontactpages.com//fjch6/holidaywellness

PROSPER Performance & Physical Therapy 08.12.2020

FROM PAIN TO RUNNING IN ONLY A FEW TEXTS I got a text from my sister. She had hurt her knee doing a kick-boxing workout & was asking for advice. She sent me a picture of where the pain was, explained how it happened & what she was experiencing. Through this conversation, I was able to determine the best course of action. I gave her advice on immediate care of the knee & activity modification. In 1 wk, she was back to daily life without pain. And in just 2 wks, she gradually ...returned to running - painfree! WHY WAS SHE ABLE TO RECOVER SO QUICKLY? Early care, cutting-edge advice, & consistent communication. You see, the EARLY STAGE IS CRUCIAL for setting you up to heal efficiently & effectively. Getting the appropriate advice at this stage is huge! I was so glad she reached out to me immediately & didn’t look to Dr. Google, ignore it, or wait on an appointment with her doctor who would have likely prescribed meds & sent her to PT anyway. Now she was able to get quick, knowledgeable & trusted advice from someone who actually cares about HER. I knew whether ice or heat was appropriate, whether rest or activity was best, and whether a brace was necessary or harmful. She was set up right away to win! Through consistent communication, I guided her. I gave her personalized exercises. We discussed what to look out for, what type of discomfort was ok & what wasn't. She could easily access me by phone or text if anything didn’t seem right. Would your doctor or physical therapist do that?! We were able to address any potential set-backs IMMEDIATELY. No waiting until her "next appointment" to address it. No time for frustration or bad form to kick in. Had she ignored it, she likely would not have healed as quickly. Had she searched Google, she would likely have found outdated or overwhelming amounts of conflicting advice. Had she waited to see her doctor, she likely wouldn’t have even started working on therapy in 2 weeks time! Don’t delay appropriate care of your injury. Let me provide YOU with up-to-date knowledge, reliable accessibility, consistent guidance & encouragement you'd get from a family member. PM me for details on my VIP Program!