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Locality: Thomaston, Georgia

Phone: +1 706-647-3335

Address: 132 Cherokee Road 30286 Thomaston, GA, US

Website: www.thomastonfirstumc.org

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Thomaston First United Methodist Church 10.07.2021

It’s not too late!!! You don’t want your child to miss out on the fun!!! Sign up for Grow Day Camp!

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 29.06.2021

Welcome to worship

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 16.06.2021

Prayer Time Message - June 9 I read a devotional the other day entitled ‘Celebrated and Shared’. The scripture verse was Psalm 9:11 ‘Sing praises to the LORD, which dwelleth in Zion: declare among the people his doings.’ It made me think: How often do I actually share a specific time when the Lord has blessed me or comforted me or brought me peace? Privately we know of these instances but just think how impactful it could be to someone else, especially a child or grandchild, ...to hear how God blessed us. I’ll start. Keith was working at his company’s home office in Monroe, Ga. I was at home when the phone rang and the office secretary said, ‘We think Keith has had a heart attack. He is at the hospital here in Monroe. You need to come.’ I threw a few things in a bag and was out the door. As I was driving the backroads of Georgia, imaging all kinds of things, God brought to mind something Herb had said the previous day in his sermon. ‘Palms down, I give it to God; palms up, I receive His blessings.’ So laid my palms down across the steering wheel and gave the entire situation to God. Then I turned my palms up to receive His peace. And it came. Keith was moved to a larger hospital and the next day, as the surgeon was explaining how he would correct Keith’s heart issues with a triple bypass, his nurse squeezed my hand and said ‘God bless.’ God had sent an angel with that final confirmation that He had this. From that moment on - through the surgery and the eight weeks of recovery - I was at perfect peace. Now it is your turn. Think about an occasion when God carried your burden or brought unimaginable joy or wrapped you in his loving arms and share that blessing. Someone we know needs to hear about our journey in faith. Heavenly Father, Thank You for those extraordinary moments when we step out in faith and are wrapped in Your love. Give us the opportunity and the courage to share our faith with others, especially the children and grandchildren in our lives. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Blessings. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 29.05.2021

Hello All! Hope you are all doing well this Wednesday Morning! I wanted to make sure that each of you knew that Vacation Bible School is going on at Thomaston First Methodist next week! It goes from Sunday to Thursday from 5 to 8pm. It is SURE to be an AWESOME time! Also, it is not too late to sign-up if you would like your child, niece, nephew, next door neighbor, etc involved just fill out the form from the link below. Here is the link: ... https://docs.google.com//15my-d2r_ux6kxsB3fRWiL2DDWp/edit Here is a video to get you PUMPED and let you know what we are learning about next week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWns25VjMps Also, there are still opportunities to help out if you are available and interested. We can ALWAYS use more help. If you are at all interested please let Megan Watson or the church office know. Thank you!!!!!!!

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 09.01.2021

Prayer Time Message - January 6 I read two devotionals recently that gave me food for thought as the new year begins. In the first one, the writer said she had learned her life was less chaotic if she prayerfully turned her calendar over to the Lord each January. What a wonderful idea. Instead of us trying manage our days, we allow God to guide us toward those things that are beneficial to us, to our families and to His kingdom’s work. If God is in control, we can be assured ...that we are giving our best ‘Yes’ or our best ‘No’ when asked by others to accept or perform a job or assignment. In the other devotional I read, the writer spoke of overcoming a world of negativity and anxiety by keeping a Gratitude Journal. Every morning she wrote down 5 things from the previous day for which she was grateful. Some were major; some were minor. Regardless, her spirits were lifted in acknowledging her gratitude and her mindset stayed positive as she opened herself up to the current day’s blessings. Heavenly Father, Thank you for inspirational writers who speak your love into our hearts. As we begin a new year may we find new ways of expressing our gratitude to you and to others. May we find new ways of allowing you to guide our days. Lord, we lift up those who are battling the COVID virus and ask for your healing touch on them. We pray your healing touch on this battling other diseases, physical and spiritual. We pray for healthcare workers as they face long hours. Give them the needed strength, courage and compassion to aide the sick. We pray a hedge of protection around each of them. Keep them well and protect their families. We pray safety and diligence over those assisting in nursing homes. Keep our seniors safe, Lord. Protect our children, Lord. Diminish the fear COVID has generated and let Your love be spoken into their lives. Be with our pastor and our church family. Inspire us with new ways to worship You as we enter into this New Year. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Blessings. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 23.12.2020

Prayer Time Message - December 30 2020 is coming to and end. Hallelujah! Though we could list all our laments regarding 2020, let’s close it out remembering God’s mercy towards us. King David said it best in Psalm 103. 2 Praise the Lord, my soul,... and forget not all his benefits 3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, 4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion, 5 who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. 11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who revere him Heavenly Father, We come before you with ‘thank you’ in our hearts. Thank you for your love. Thank you for healthcare workers who serve with such love and compassion. Thank you for educators and staff who go way beyond their job descriptions to make our children’s education a priority. Thank you for loving friends and family who support us in times of illness, sorrow and despair. Thank you for lives of those we loved and lost this year. Thank you for loving, caring ministers. Thank you for your healing powers. Thank you for your redeeming grace through Your Son. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Happy New Year. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 20.12.2020

Prayer Time Message - December 23 ‘For unto us a child is born’. These words are some of the most beautiful in Scripture. They changed my life as I know they did yours; for that I am ‘eternally’ grateful. May the peace and love of Jesus Christ surround you this holiday season however and wherever you celebrate. May we set aside the chaos of 2020 to love and be loved.... Heavenly Father, Thank you for the gift of your son. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Christmas Blessings. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 22.11.2020

Prayer Message This morning in my Daily Prayer book, I read this prayer, ‘God, thank you for the steady anchor of the church and the opportunity to fellowship with a vibrant community of believers.’ Christ came to earth to teach on and live out the Ten Commandments. As the body of the church, we get this same opportunity every day. During the Advent season we seem to see the vibrancy of the church at its best in our community through Operation Christmas Child, Bags of Bles...sings, Community Kitchen and Empty Stocking. These opportunities to bless and be blessed are ‘scripture in action.’ In Luke 13:20-21 Jesus taught his disciples saying, ‘What shall I compare the kingdom of God to? It is like yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.’ May we never tire of working the yeast of Jesus’ words and deeds. Heavenly Father, Thank you for the church. Thank you for Jesus’ example of love, generosity and compassion. May we use these remaining days of 2020 to be a blessing to others every day through simple acts of kindness and love. And may our actions lead others to the saving grace of Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Christmas blessings. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 19.11.2020

Another Cozy Christmas Story virtual Wonddrful Wednesday. Be sure to check it out!

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 04.11.2020

Prayer Time Message - December 9 One of my favorite verses is Romans 15:13: May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.... Not only is the Christmas season a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus, it is a time to give thanks to God for second chances. God has been fine-tuning our relationship with Him since Adam and Eve. When we couldn’t seem to get it right, He sent Jesus to set the example and the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. All we have to do is say ‘Yes’ to that second chance. As we move through this season of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love, may we share the Good News of Jesus Christ through our actions and our words. ‘The grace of God is universal; the promise of the Redeemer is for every child, and none is born in a graceless state.’ Daniel Stauffer Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your love. Thank You for your patience. Thank You for never giving up on us. As we near the end of a most cantankerous year, may we plant seeds of hope and peace and joy and love in those around us, friends and strangers alike. We pray blessings on first responders, healthcare workers, teachers, students and senior caregivers. We pray for pastors and for Your church. May we be reminded each day that You are still in control and in You we have the promise of life eternal. Give us generous, joyful hearts to carry into the new year. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Christmas Blessings. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 17.10.2020

This Christmas, consider the gift of service by working with our local Christmas kitchen! The Christmas kitchen is a wonderful ministry that blesses many families during the holidays. We would love to have our body of believers represented! We are the hands and feet of Jesus! Matthew 5:16 says ... let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Let’s be a light this Christmas! Matthew 25: 35-40 For I... was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Then the righteous will answer him, Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you? The King will reply, Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. See more

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 29.09.2020

Hey y’all! I’m so sorry, due to some technical difficulties the Virtual Wonderful Wednesday video did not post yesterday. Sorry for the delay. Here it is!

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 15.09.2020

Prayer Time Message - December 2 As we enter church this Sunday, we will be met with the seasonal sights of God’s majesty and love - Nativity scenes, wreaths, window arrangements, Poinsettia trees, Chrismons. This transformation is a labor of love performed by an army of believers who delight in ushering in the Advent season, each contributing their time and special talents to honor the Christ-child. Advent is a season of Hope and a season of Giving. God set the example in... His unselfish giving . Isaiah 9:6a: ‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given’ John 3:16: ‘For God is loved the world He gave is only begotten son that whosoever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life.’ May Hope and Generosity abound in our lives this Advent season and ever after. Heavenly Father, We give thanks for You and for Your example of generosity. Help us to mirror Your example in all we think, say and do. We give thanks for this season of Hope. 2020 has been such a difficult year with COVID, isolation, job loss, loss of loved ones, restriction of contact and the list goes on. I pray we have all learned something about the priorities in life. May we always put You first because without You in our corner, how would we ever get through the trials. Lord, bless our nation. In this time of turmoil, may we just love one another. A loving community begins in each heart. Guide us Lord towards love and respect for one another. Bless our Bags of Blessings Ministry. May our generosity of spirit bring hope and love to others. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Hopeful blessings on your week. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 09.09.2020

Happy Thanksgiving! Though this has been a year of hard times and many tribulations, we still have much to be thankful for. Thank you God for all of your blessings. Big and small. Let us all take time to thank our Heavenly Father for all He has done for us! ... All God’s children say AMEN

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 27.08.2020

Psalm 107:1 Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever. All in a Word By Aileen Fisher... T for time to be together, turkey,talk and tangy weather H for harvest stored away, home and hearth and holiday A for Autumn's frosty art, and abundance in the heart N for neighbors and November, nice things, new things to remember K for kitchen, kettle's croon, kith and kin expected soon S for sizzles, sights and sounds, and something special that abounds That spells THANKS for joy in living And a jolly good Thanksgiving Heavenly Father, Lord, we praise You and thank You for all that You are and all we are in You. Bless our nation, it’s leaders, our pastor and church leaders, our soldiers and veterans, our first responders and healthcare workers, our principals and teachers, our family, friends and neighbors. May this season bring joy and peace to our hearts, especially for those who have lost loved ones. For those who are spending this holiday alone, may they find comfort in knowing You are always near. Fill us with Your love and grace. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Sing praises to His name, He forgets not his own. Thanksgiving blessings. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 23.08.2020

If you and your family are planning to attend this event, please respond to either this event or let Megan Watson now this week. There are enough supplies for 20 wreaths to be made. But we would also like to know how much food to provide as well! Thank you all! Can't wait to ring in the Advent season with you!

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 20.08.2020

And they’re OFF! Thank you ALL who helped fill a Operation Christmas Child box this year. Your gift will surely help bless the life of a child and they’re families. What a way to bring in the Christmas season!

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 10.08.2020

Prayer Time Message - November 18 We are entering the Thanksgiving season, a special time of year when we reflect and give thanks for all the many blessings in our lives. Some days that is an easy task. We just awaken with joy in our heart. Some days, though, we awaken with new aches and pains or maybe a sense of melancholy and finding that a place of thankfulness is difficult to attain.... We’re human. And lack of joy is a human response. God knows some days we will have to dig deep to find joy and thankfulness. That’s why He gave us His Holy Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. On those ‘down’ days, the Holy Spirit prompts us to pick up that devotional or open our Bible. When we obey His promoting, the blessings begin. I read a story in a devotional recently about Corrie ten Boom. She and her family were sent to a prison camp for hiding their Jewish neighbors from the Nazis. One day her sister suggested they thank God for everything in their barracks. Corrie agreed but she refused to give thanks for the fleas that infested their bedding; later Corrie found out that it was those fleas that kept the guards from entering the barracks, which enabled them to have daily prayer meetings. Upon discovering these facts, Corrie ten Boom humbly declared, "Thank you, Lord, for the fleas!" She learned a valuable lesson that day - praise God in all circumstances. He is always at work in our lives . Heavenly Father, We come before You with thankfulness in our hearts. How bereft our lives would be if the Apostles had not followed Your command to go into all the world and spread the gospel. Lord, give us the courage to live our lives for You, just as they did. We give thanks for our missionaries and for first responders. We give thanks for our healthcare workers. We give thanks for our teachers. We give thanks for our Pastor. We give thanks for our church family. We give thanks for Your abiding love. We give thanks for Your protection. We give thanks for Your Son. Help us to honor You in all we do. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Blessings on your week. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 23.07.2020

We're going to take a break from our Virtual Wonderful Wednesdays this week. Hopefully we will be back in action next week!We're going to take a break from our Virtual Wonderful Wednesdays this week. Hopefully we will be back in action next week!

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 16.07.2020

Prayer Time Message - November 11 I read a devotional recently that used the phrase ‘pruned and planted in Him we are evergreen.’ What a beautiful picture of who we are when we stay close to God. As we journey through this fall season, we see trees with both dying leaves and bare limbs. And yet we know at the core, the trees are alive and thriving. Every living thing is in a state of metamorphosis, working to become what God intended it to be. John 15 says 1 I am the true v...ine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful. As we enter the Thanksgiving season, may we strive to be kind, to be thankful, to be generous, to be fruitful. Heavenly Father, Thank you for Your love and grace. May our thankfulness extend to those around us - our family and our community. We give a special thanks today for our Veterans and their families: For those who fought to make and keep our nation free; For those who gave their lives for our country; For those who were physically and emotionally injured; For children who grew up without a parent; For spouses who lost their life partner. May we not lose sight of the sacrifices made by so many so that we may openly worship You. Forgive us our shortcomings, Lord. When we are angry or negative, unkind or short-tempered, prune us into what You would have us to be. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Blessings on your week. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 04.07.2020

HEY EVERYBODY!!!! I have sent this video by email already, so if you did not but would like to get it that way let me ( Megan Watson) know. So excited about our Virtual Wonderful Wednesdays this fall. I will upload these videos on our church Facebook page every Wednesday by 3pm. So here it is, our Virtual Wonderful Wednesdays #8! ... https://youtu.be/yw5PdJFlnvk

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 23.06.2020

Prayer a Time Message -November 4 There a commercial that has been playing during this pandemic that just pierces my heart each time I see it. A cast of actors are dressed in lab coats. As each appears in succession, they repeat the words, ‘Science is’. The final actor says, ‘Science is how we get back to normal.’ What a sad message. Not to downplay science because science certainly has its place in our daily lives. We get back to normal, though, by the Grace of God. Right no...w He is looking for our love, our faith, our trust, our repentance. He will give us a vaccine when He is ready. Until then may we encourage one another in His love. Isaiah 41:10 ‘So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.’ Heavenly Father, Thank you for Your love. May we look to You for strength and guidance. May we encourage others in Your love. May we set an example of love for those who don’t know You. When we allowed prayer to be removed from our schools, Lord, we allowed two generations to drift away from You. Forgive us Lord. Help us to make amends. Guide us in bringing Your light back into our community. Let our example of Your love have a ripple affect across this county, this state, this nation. Revive us again, Lord. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Blessings, Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 04.06.2020

Our Nation needs your prayers. Please join with us as we lift up our country today.

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 16.05.2020

We have SO MUCH to Celebrate and Remember this Sunday at TFUMC! This week, Nov. 1st we will be: * Remembering in each service those who have gone to be with Jesus this year. * Turning our Clocks back an hour to be sure that we are able to worship in whichever service we plan to attend. * Starting Children's Church and Youth Group back up again! ... * Celebrating our very own Sherry Rawls and her retirement at 10pm in between the 9am and 11am service. * Hosting a Drive-Thru Trick or Treat event from 3-4pm. * Worshipping together as one Body!!! This is sure to be a Great time of Worship and we very much Hope to see you there!!!

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 08.05.2020

Prayer Time Message - October 28 Have you noticed that so many devotionals of late have dealt with fear? The most quoted scripture is from 2Timothy 1:7: ‘God did not give us the spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind.’ Encouraging words from Paul to his young preacher friend, Timothy. God made sure these words were recorded because He knew for generations to come, His people would need to be reminded and encouraged. 2020 has brought fearful, sometimes heart-wr...enching, situations to our daily lives. May we never allow our fear to overcome our faith in the Lord. He is, and always will be, in control. 2Corinthians 3:17 says, ‘Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.’ Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Lord, we give thanks for the freedom our relationship with you provides. May we be like Paul and encourage those around us. May we silence the noise and find peace in Your Spirit. You gave us power and love and sound minds. May we focus our efforts on being an example of Your grace. Lord we ask Your blessing on all who suffer from anxiety. May the electric current of panic that surrounds them be broken and may they look to You for comfort and peace. Lord we pray for our country. Like Israel, we have moved so far away from You. Burden our hearts toward repentance and revival. May we turn to Your Word as our guiding light. Let us not forget our country was founded on the freedom of religion. May we exercise that freedom to Your glory. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Blessings. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 19.04.2020

Thomaston First UMC Goal Page Operation Christmas Child is just around the corner! During the pandemic, packing a shoebox is more important than ever. Last year our church packed 186 shoeboxes. Let's beat last year's number! If you don't feel like it's safe to shop during the pandemic or if you like the convenience of building a shoebox online, please use the Build a Shoebox Online feature. Each shoebox you pack helps a local church around the world tell a child about Jesus, God’s Greatest Gift! Just click on the link. https://build-a-shoebox.samaritanspurse.org//6455652d-567b

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 08.04.2020

We here at TFUMC are SO EXCITED about this event!! Can't to see you all there for some Tricks and some Treats!

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 14.03.2020

Prayer Time Message - October 21 We are blessed to have three furry friends - an 80 lb Heinz 57 watch dog, a 20 lb Jack Russell mix and an 8 lb Shitzu. They are all rescues and came to live with us at different stages of their life. One is a watchdog, one is a hunter and one is a princess. Their interaction is minimal. The two bigger dogs go out together in the morning - one to ensure our safety and the other to chase whatever. They each sleep in their own bed, none of them s...eeking the warmth and comfort of the other. And yet the three live in harmony. While Keith and I were traveling, the two bigger dogs went to my daughter’s and the little one went to my sister’s. Each adapted to the new environment and didn’t miss a beat. But when they were reunited, there were wagging tails and lots of sniffs and kisses. There is much we can learn from the animal kingdom. Heavenly Father, You commanded us to love one another, our neighbor as ourself. Most days we do just that; other times we let the sin of judgment invade our day. We ask you Lord to keep our hearts focused on the positive. Help us to block out the negative noise and to just accept others as they are. Help us to set a good example for our neighbors and for the children, who are always watching and listening. Lord, You are the way, the truth and the life . Grant us the grace to represent You in our speech and in our actions to our families and our community. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Have a blessed week. Barbara

Thomaston First United Methodist Church 05.03.2020

Prayer Time Message - October 14 On Monday, Keith and I visited Yellowstone National Park. My expectation was to see Old Faithful and the hot springs. I was also looking forward to the Park’s scenic beauty. What we encountered during our stay was so unexpected, it became surreal. Our guide was an avid horsewoman, an animal lover and an amateur photographer. Her greatest joy is finding and observing the Park’s wildlife in their natural habitat and sharing this experience with ...others. So in between seeing the normal tourist attractions, we watched two 1500-pound bison walk down the main road, stopping occasionally to feed along the roadside. We saw a mama grizzly, named Raspberry, teach her new baby, named Jam, to forage for food. We saw a 5 month old grizzly, named Snow, frolic on the hillside. We saw 10-12 elk bedded down on the ground near the hot springs keeping warm. Occasionally one or two would get up and grab a grassy snack. We saw a Great Grey Owl perched on a low limb, waiting patiently for dinner. Our guide was ecstatic because she had not had this many wildlife sitings in quite some time. God was teaching us a great lesson. Expect the unexpected. He always has great lessons to teach us, and more times than not, He uses nature. Romans 1: 20 says: Ever since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities--God's eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, because they are understood through the things God has made. So humans are without excuse. Heavenly Father, We give thanks for all creation and for the lessons we learn when we stop and observe life around us. We lift up those who have lost love ones, lost a job or lost human contact. Point them to Your majesty that they may find comfort and solace in You. We pray for our missionaries, our first responders and our healthcare providers. We pray for our President, Vice-President, state and local representatives. May each look past the daily distractions to the plan You have for each of them. May each look for Your lessons in the unexpected and rejoice. In Jesus’ Name we pray. Blessings. Barbara