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Locality: Trion, Georgia

Phone: +1 706-734-7331

Address: 95 Church St 30753 Trion, GA, US

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Trion First Baptist Church 10.07.2021

Despite the rain, we had a great afternoon at our VBS Kick-Off! We are excited to see what God has in store next week!

Trion First Baptist Church 03.07.2021

It was another amazing night at Vacation Bible School! We are excited for Day 3! Jesus’ Power Pulls us Through!

Trion First Baptist Church 17.11.2020

Wednesday Devotion: Fear. A four letter word that is so small ,but can become so big and consume our lives if we let it. Everyone of us have fears or fear something at one time or another in our lives. In fact, God knew we would all fear. The phrase do not be afraid is actual recorded in the Bible 365 times!!! How amazing is that! Even the great saints of His word struggled with fear. Moses feared being called by the Lord and was afraid he would not be able to lead... the people. David reveals his fear to us over and over in Psalms. Paul has to calm Timothy’s fear and encourage him to continue in the ministry. So do not think it is odd when you are faced with fear. We all face fear, but how should we approach the fear? In Psalms 56:3, David tells us When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. This is how we should approach our fear. First, admit to the Lord we are afraid. Confess the fear to the Lord. Acknowledge the fear and then place your trust in Him. Admit that you have the fear and ask Him to help you overcome it. Tell Him you are placing your faith and trust in Him. Look to Jesus, our Rock, as you face your fear and know He will never leave you nor forsake you. He will walk with you in the fire. Remember Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and how they would not bow down to Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image. They were thrown in the fiery furnace because they boldly stood up instead of bowing down, but God was right their with them in the fire and they were not harmed!!! Amen!!! He is always with us and will walk with us in the fire so do not be afraid! Lord, thank you for understanding our fears. Help us to place our faith and trust in you in all of our overwhelming and fearful circumstances . Help us to realize our hope is in you and you are greater than all our fears!! Amen! May God Bless you all. Look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday. Casey.

Trion First Baptist Church 03.11.2020

Wednesday Worship Song: Cast your fear in the fire ‘Cause fear he is a liar https://youtu.be/sQTnREEtuNk

Trion First Baptist Church 27.10.2020

11:00 AM. Be humble and kind

Trion First Baptist Church 09.10.2020

9:00 AM. Benefits of Wisdom

Trion First Baptist Church 23.09.2020

I’m so thankful my help comes from the Lord!! He is always with me!! Let’s worship His name together tomorrow!!! We invite you join us for our 9AM and 11 AM services tomorrow. If you cannot attend in person, please join and worship with us as we will be Facebook living both services tomorrow. Both the 9AM and 11 AM services will be posted. Remember time changes tonight and set your clock back! Enjoy the extra hour of rest!! We look forward to worshiping with all of you in person or on Facebook. Give thanks to our Lord for All He has done!!!

Trion First Baptist Church 06.09.2020

Wednesday devotion: Have you ever caught yourself trying to go to church, read your Bible, or pray just to say that you did something for the Lord that week? Have you ever felt like I need to do these things to please God? Well, how much going to church, praying, and reading His word is enough to please God? How many good works do you need to do? The fact is, you can NEVER do enough. You see, you cannot obtain salvation through good works. Just like Ephesians 2:8-9 says...For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast. Salvation is not of works so that no man can boast of himself. Salvation comes from Christ alone!! Jesus forgave you fully when you accepted Him as your Savior, and there is nothing else you need to do!! AMEN!! He paid your sin debt completely on the cross!!! The battle is already won!! If you are trying to pay God Back by pleasing Him with good works for your salvation, then you haven’t really accepted His salvation as a free gift of His amazing grace. His gift of grace is enough!! You don’t have to do anything else. Just believe in Him and accept His beautiful free gift of salvation! He pleads with us to come to Him and He will give us rest! So why should we read our Bible, pray, and serve the Lord then? It should be because of our love and devotion to Him as our Savior!! Our motivation to serve the Lord should be solely because we love Him and not because we are trying to impress Him or others! When a couple falls in love, they want to spend most ,if not all, of their time together. When you love someone, you naturally want to spend time with them. That should be your motivation to serve Christ!!! You love Him and want to spend more time with Him and learn more about Him!!! Don’t be like the Pharisees. Jesus rebuked the Pharisees because they were more concerned about the outer appearance of worship rather than the true worship that takes place in the heart!! They were boasting in themselves rather than in Christ!! Read the Word, pray, and serve the Lord out of your devotion and love to Him, not out of obligation or because you feel the need to impress Him or others. Lord, thank you for your free gift of salvation through You and You alone. Thank you for paying my sin debt! Help me to read your Word, pray, and serve you out of love and devotion to You!! Amen. May God Bless you all. Look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday. Casey

Trion First Baptist Church 17.08.2020

Wednesday worship song What if I were the one to tell you That the fight's already been won...It's not good news It's the best news ever https://m.youtube.com/watch

Trion First Baptist Church 15.08.2020

My family and I would like to thank you all for the most gracious Pastor Appreciation gift and service today. We love you all so much. We are very humbled and honored to be a part of TFBC. You are our family and we thank God that we can serve with you all at TFBC everyday! Thank you again, Casey

Trion First Baptist Church 05.08.2020

Today we honor our Pastor, Casey Bramlett, for Pastor Appreciation Month. Casey, we appreciate your humble service to this body of believers. We are blessed to have you, Jessica, and your boys here at Trion First Baptist Church. Thank you for all you do! We love you! Jessica Casey Bramlett

Trion First Baptist Church 27.07.2020

11:00 AM. Searching for Wisdom Proverbs 1 And 2

Trion First Baptist Church 15.07.2020

9:00 AM. Wisdom and instruction Proverbs 1

Trion First Baptist Church 08.07.2020

I’m so glad He gives us peace and strength in every circumstance. Let’s worship His name together tomorrow!!! We invite you join us for our 9AM and 11 AM services tomorrow. If you cannot attend in person, please join and worship with us as we will be Facebook living both services tomorrow. Both the 9AM and 11 AM services will be posted. We look forward to worshiping with all of you in person or on Facebook. Give thanks to our Lord for He is good!!!!

Trion First Baptist Church 20.06.2020

Wednesday devotion: Do you always see the glass half full or half empty? In thinking about your day, how many positive thoughts have you had versus negative thoughts? If you were to look at your life from an outsiders perspective ,would they see you as a positive person always spreading kindness and love or as downcast and negative? It is easy in the world we live in to get discouraged with all the negativity around us and it’s easy to let that negativity creep into our li...ves. Jesus commands us to be His light in this world and show His love to others. It’s difficult to be that light when we are negative. Guard your heart and do not let the negativity feed into your soul. Whatever we allow into our heart ends up flowing out and showing on the outside to others. Proverbs 4:23 saysAbove all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. How do we do that? How do we guard our heart when we are surrounded by a world of negativity? We have to follow the commands in scripture. Romans 12:2 says And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. We have to daily renew our minds in Christ. We need to fill our minds with the promises in His word so that we do not conform to this world. Read His Word and let His promises of love, grace, and mercy fill your heart and overflow from your life. Seek Him daily. Let His words encourage you each day. Then when you feel yourself starting to become negative stop and pray. Thank God for all the blessings in your life. Think about all His promises to you and how much He has done for you. Remember Paul’s words in Philippians 4:8 And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. When we think of all the blessings He has bestowed upon us and all His promises to us in His word, how can we be negative? He has promised us eternal life! He promises to protect us and not harm us! He promises us a future and hope! When you think on these things, you will see the glass as overflowing and not half empty. Lord, help us to guard our hearts against negativity. Help us to claim the promises in your Word and count our blessings in this life. Forgive us for allowing negativity in our lives. Help us to be a light for you and help others to see your love overflowing from our lives. Amen. May God Bless you all! Look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday. Casey